

  • Christian Farmers Killed in Two Separate Attacks
    Emmanuel Masih
    Emmanuel Masih after the assault.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Muhammad Waseem, a Muslim landowner in Punjab's Khanewal district, assaulted and killed a Christian farm labourer on February 6th after accusing the believer of stealing oranges from his property. The victim, Emmanuel Masih, was irrigating the orchard at around 3 a.m. when he was approached by Muhammad and four other men. Though Emmanuel pled his innocence, the five men brutally beat the married father of six to death.

  • Military Destroys Churches
    Men and women praying.
    A Bible training class in Myanmar.
    Photo: VOMC

    As Myanmar's military increasingly launches deadly airstrikes in an effort to crush rebel resistance, those residing in predominantly Christian regions are subjected to indiscriminate attacks. In many cases of similar attacks during recent years, Christians were especially affected, for churches and other religious institutions seem to have been specifically targeted.

  • Fatal Church Bombing
    Wreckage from the bomb.
    The aftermath of the bombing.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    On January 15th, a joint baptismal service was held in the town of Kasindi, which is located in eastern DR Congo. During the service, two men apparently entered the building and left a bag containing explosives before vacating the church premises. The resulting explosion killed at least 14 people and injured dozens of others. As the local hospital was quickly filled with wounded church members, some of the victims had to be transported by United Nations helicopters to the provincial capital of Goma.

  • Fatalities During the Christmas Season
    Coffins lined up with mourners gathered behind.
    Coffins of slain Christians in Mallagum.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    As a local church was about to begin their service on Christmas Day in Angwan Aku, Kaduna, Fulani militants entered the village on motorcycles. Shooting sporadically, one Christian was killed. Before leaving, the attackers also kidnapped 53 other villagers.

  • Pastor Tortured and Killed
    Sy Seng Manee praying
    Pastor Sy Seng Manee
    Photo: Morning Star News

    On October 23rd, an evangelical pastor in Laos was found murdered after he had been kidnapped and badly beaten. His body was discovered near his motorbike in a forested area outside Donkeo village in Khammouane province.

    According to an eyewitness, three men in a black truck had seized Sy Seng Manee a few days earlier. At the time, the bystander thought the men were capturing a criminal, and so he did not intervene – only to realize later that he had instead witnessed the pastor's kidnapping.

  • Christian Father and Son Slain by Terrorists
    A shaded path leading to a church entry
    A Coptic church.
    Photo: Flickr / jipolo (cc)

    A Christian man and his elderly father were shot dead by Islamic terrorists on August 30th while working in their field. Police found the bodies of 40-year-old Hani Waheeb Moussa and his father Salama after family members had lost contact with them. Hani leaves behind a wife and two young daughters.

  • Evangelist Killed by Family Members
    Man standing with arms extended, facing a brilliant light; words say, ''Welcome home.''

    On August 14th, an independent Christian evangelist, Karthridasan Madhavan, was burned to death in the Indian state of West Bengal by a mob that included some members of his own family. The victim, known as Madhavan, lived in the village of Gobindapur. He was the sole Christian in his extended family and diligently worked to spread the Gospel message.

  • Gunmen Kill Pastor's Sons and Abduct Daughter
    Sunset with the words, ''Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4

    Gunmen broke into the home of Pastor Daniel Umaru in Njairi, Adamawa State, during the early morning hours of July 6th. The results of the attack were devastating to the family. While Pastor Daniel survived the gunshot wound, his two sons were killed during the attack, and his 13-year-old daughter, Ijagla, was abducted. The pastor's wife was left in a state of unconsciousness due to the shock.

  • Pastor Fatally Shot and Church Burned
    A street in Saint-Laurent du Maroni
    Saint-Laurent du Maroni
    Photo: Wikipedia / Maarten van der Bent (cc)

    French Guiana is an overseas region of France located in northern South America. On the night of May 3rd, the pastor of the Gado Lobi church in Saint-Laurent du Maroni was shot and killed and at least seven other people were injured. A few hours later, the church building was burned to the ground.

  • Death Sentences Upheld for Alleged Blog Posts
    Silhouette of a man clinging to a chain link fence

    In 2014, two Pakistani brothers, Qaisar and Amoon Ayub, were arrested and accused of blasphemy for posting online material – allegations that go back to 2009. In 2018, both Christian men were found guilty and subsequently sentenced to death (see this report). Since that time, there have been appeals to their convictions and sentences.

  • Dozens Slain in Recent Church Attack
    Police tape with text,

    Hundreds of Christians were gathered to celebrate Pentecost Sunday at the St. Francis Catholic Church in Owo, Nigeria, on June 5th when the service was disrupted by gunshots and explosions. As worshippers attempted to flee the building, gunmen shot them down, both inside and outside the building. When the bloodshed was complete, dozens lay dead – including children. Surviving victims were rushed to the hospital with injuries. It is believed that the number of fatalities could reach as high as 100.

  • Video Released Revealing Execution of Christians
    A group of people praying
    Nigerian believers praying together.
    Photo: VOMC

    On May 10th, a video was released by the Amaq News Agency, a news outlet linked to the self-proclaimed "Islamic State" terrorist group. The video shows the execution of 20 Nigerian men, all believed to be affiliated with Christianity, along with a threatening statement from the Islamic State in West Africa Province (ISWAP) declaring that the slaying is intended as a warning to Christians around the world. The spokesperson in the video also states that the killing was in retaliation for the death of Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi, the former leader of the Islamic State who died during a raid committed in Syria on February 3rd by American special forces.

  • College Student Killed for Alleged Blasphemy
    Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu
    Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu

    A 25-year-old Christian student at the Shehu Shagari College of Education in Sokoto state, Nigeria, was killed by a mob on May 12th after rumours spread that she had blasphemed against Mohammed on a WhatsApp group chat. The precise nature of her comments is unclear, but it appears that the problem started when Deborah Emmanuel Yakubu expressed exasperation at religious posts being shared by her classmates, asking that the others focus on issues related to their course work. Apparently, Deborah also rejected advances from one of the other students, who later made the blasphemy accusation.

  • Attacks Against Christians Expand to a New State
    Men with their faces covered, holding weapons
    Ask God to give believers wisdom and strength in the ongoing struggles they face due to terrorism.

    An explosion rocked a market in Isware, Nigeria, on April 19th, killing six people and injuring more than a dozen. In a statement issued the next day, the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) claimed responsibility, stating that the attack was intended to target "a gathering of infidel Christians."

  • Multiple Attacks on Christian Villages
    Rubble of a home
    A burned home in Kagoro, Kaduna State.
    Photo: Gideon Agwom Mutum via Morning Star News

    The Nigerian state of Kaduna experienced multiple attacks on predominantly Christian villages between March 17th and March 24th. Due to the nature of these recent attacks, the exact number of victims is not yet clear, but survivors estimate that over 80 villagers were killed and approximately 150 others kidnapped.

  • Pastor Killed by Masked Men
    Man with his head in his hands
    Pray that believers will sense the comforting presence of God’s Holy Spirit who grieves with them in their loss.

    Pastor Yallam Shankar was at home in Angampalli, Chhattisgarh, on March 17th when five masked men suddenly burst in. After dragging the pastor from his home, the attackers stabbed him to death outside. The slain man is survived by his wife, two sons and grandchildren.

  • Death Penalty for Longtime Prisoner; Bail for Another
    Zafar Bhatti - Photo: Pakistan Christian Post
    Zafar Bhatti
    Photo: Pakistan Christian Post

    On January 3rd, a judge at the Rawalpindi District Court in Pakistan ruled to change a Christian pastor's sentence of life imprisonment to the death penalty. Zafar Bhatti has been imprisoned on charges of blasphemy since July 2012. After five years, he was ultimately convicted and sentenced to life in prison. The charges arise from an alleged text message, yet Zafar denies that the phone in question was even registered to his name. For more information on the ordeal facing this Pakistani pastor, view these reports.

  • All Emmanuel Baptist Hostages Released!
    Clasped hands in a man's lap - Photo: Pixabay
    Join with Nigerian believers as they wait on the Lord for His guidance and deliverance.

    Christians in Kaduna State, Nigeria, were devastated after an attack took place in the village of Kakau Daji on October 31st in which at least one worshipper was killed and 66 kidnapped. (Read an earlier posted report about this incident.)Sadly, five of the hostages were shot by their captors on November 6th, leaving two dead and three others hospitalized.

  • Ten Villagers Killed; Dozens of Homes Destroyed
    Fulani militants - Photo: Voice of America
    Fulani militants
    Photo: Voice of America

    An overnight attack that took place in the Nigerian village of Ta'agbe on November 26th left ten Christians dead, including three children. According to witnesses, the attackers were dressed in black, carried sophisticated weapons, and shouted Islamic slogans while slaughtering the residents of the village and burning homes. It is estimated that over 100 houses were destroyed, displacing 690 people.

  • Report Highlights Dire Conditions for Religious Minorities
    Taliban fighters
    Pray that the Lord will draw Taliban members to Himself.

    The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has stated that Christians and other religious minorities in Afghanistan face "dire consequences, including death, if discovered by the Taliban" for openly expressing their beliefs. Since most Afghan Christians are converts from Islam, all Christians are considered "apostates" by the Taliban – a crime that is punishable by death.