

  • Family Under Threat Unless Father Renounces Christianity
    Men praying
    Photo: VOMC

    Yasir Masih, a father of two, resides in Karachi, Pakistan. Several months ago, the Christian man's wife left their home after being convinced by Yasir's aunt to convert to Islam. Since that time, other members of the family have been pressuring him to also convert.

  • Churches Facing Threats of Forcible Closure
    Interior of a small church.
    A church in Sri Lanka.
    Photo: VOM Canada

    In two separate instances, churches in Sri Lanka received demands to close on the pretence that their activities were offensive to their communities. In both cases, legal action has been threatened if they fail to comply.

  • Increased Challenges for House Churches
    Elder You Guanhui preaching
    Elder You Guanhui
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Recent raids on house churches in China have raised concerns, for these incidents could signify a shift in governmental policy – possibly connected to the upcoming presidential election. It's estimated that about 80 percent of the persecution presently taking place in China is being directed towards unauthorized house churches. To learn more about the repeated harassment committed by authorities against China's Christians, go to our country report.

  • Christians Persecuted in Russian-Occupied Areas
    Cathedral in the mountains of Crimea
    Pray for believers caught in the midst of the turmoil.

    Several recently occurring incidents have led to charges against citizens of Russian-occupied Crimea. In a report published on July 5th, Forum 18 outlines several instances of harassment against Christians and Muslims, demonstrating the oppressive control that Russia is forcing upon people living within areas of the peninsula.

  • Christian Mechanic Sentenced to Death
    Ashfaq Masih in handcuffs
    Ashfaq Masih
    Photo: Morning Star News

    A Christian mechanic has been sentenced to death for blasphemy after he allegedly said that Jesus Christ is the "true prophet." The incident happened in 2017, and Ashfaq Masih has been in prison ever since. After court hearings were repeatedly cancelled or delayed, he was eventually found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging on July 4th.

  • Four Churches Encounter Harassment
    Christ the Saviour Church after a bomb
    Christ the Saviour Church in Mariupol
    Photo: VOM Korea

    Since the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of eastern Ukraine came under the control of Russian-backed separatists in 2014, Christians in the area have faced severe restrictions from military leaders. Today, as the Russian invasion takes further control of eastern Ukraine, it is expected that similar religious constraints will expand to all areas of Russian occupation. For more information on the persecution experienced by Christians residing in eastern Ukraine, go to our list of reports.

  • Twenty Years of Oppression
    Eritrean Bible
    Photo: VOMC

    In May 2002, the Eritrean government closed all unregistered churches and established legislation outlawing any religious community except for Sunni Islam, Eritrean Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism and Lutheranism. Government oppression and control was strongly instituted, even within these approved religious groups.

  • Pastoral Couple Arrested Due to ''Forcible Conversion'' Allegations
    Hands clasped in prayer, resting on an open Bible
    God's Word will not return void.

    Karnataka became the latest Indian state to officially pass anti-conversion legislation after the state's governor signed the law into effect on May 17th. On that same day, members of the Hindu nationalist group Bajrang Dal filed a complaint against Pastor V. Kuriyachan and his wife Selenamma, alleging that they have illegally converted more than 1,000 Hindus from the Yerava tribal community by visiting the area's coffee plantations.

  • Christians Penalized for Not Participating in Festival
    A group of men praying, arms wrapped around each other
    Photo: VOMC

    For the fourth consecutive year, Christians from the Alpha and Omega Presbyterian Church in Nueva las Tacitas, Chiapas State, are being forced to participate in a religious festival or face fines from village leaders. Every year, the people of the area celebrate the Santa Cruz Festival on May 3rd. This festival is part of syncretistic religious beliefs, involving a combination of Roman Catholicism and traditional tribal religions.

  • Pastor Sentenced for Allegedly ''Disturbing the Peace''
    Open Sudanese Bible
    Photo: VOMC

    On April 3rd, members of a church in Gezira State, Sudan, were beginning to gather together for worship when Islamic militants prevented the believers from entering the building. The Christians were, however, able to assemble in the yard outside the building for prayer. When the believers attempted to gather for worship the following week, the attackers again disrupted the worship service. During the second incident, Pastor Estefanos was struck by the militants and then dragged from the building where he was further beaten. Three Christian women were also injured during the attack.