

  • Missionary murdered

    Logo: Gospel for Asia

    Ajit Bansi -- a Gospel for Asia-supported missionary in Assam, India -- was killed by an anti-Christian militant group on May 20 while on his way home from purchasing construction supplies for a new church building. Pastor Ajit and three others were ambushed by the militants and then shot, their bodies left on the roadside. He was murdered just days before the building for his growing congregation of approximately 60 believers was due for completion. "Pastor Ajit was one of hundreds of missionaries risking their lives to share Jesus' love in this area," K.P. Yohannan, Gospel for Asia's President, has stated. "He was doing a great work, and his life brought hope to many people." (Source: Gospel for Asia)

    Pray for Pastor Ajit's wife and two small children as they mourn his loss. Pray for guidance for his congregation at this time. Pray for boldness and enduring faith for other Christians serving in Assam.

    To learn more about persecution in India, go to theIndia Country Report.

  • Christian man dies, three injured after attack

    Amit Gilbert
    Photo from Indian Focus blog

    A 25-year-old Christian man was killed and three other believers were severely injured following an attack by militant Hindus on a prayer meeting in Saliya, Betul district, Madhya Pradesh on April 17. Between 15 and 30 assailants disrupted the meeting attended by more than 400 Christians and began to destroy Bibles and other property. They then accused the believers of forcible conversion and attacked them with sticks and iron rods. The Christians fled the scene, running outside into the darkness of the night. Amit Gilbert, a Master of Divinity student, fell into an open well, hit his head on the well's outer wall and drowned. One of the injured Christians sustained a fractured spine and remained in serious condition at last report. (Sources: Global Council of Indian Christians, Union of Catholic Asian News)

    Pray for those mourning the loss of Amit. Pray that the three injured Christians will fully recover. Pray that Christians in Madhya Pradesh will exemplify the love of God through consistent love and prayer for those who persecute them (Matthew 5:43-48).

    To find out more about the plight of Indian Christians,click here.

  • A call to action and prayer for Christians in Orissa

    The Voice of the Martyrs in Canada is a member of the Religious Liberty Partnership (RLP), a collaborative effort of Christian organizations in over a dozen countries to raise awareness of religious liberty issues around the world. Two years after an outbreak of mob violence against Christians in Kandhamal district, Orissa state, India (click here to read more), the RLP remains deeply concerned for believers there and is requesting united prayer for justice, reconciliation and peace in the area.

    The RLP urges you to remember our suffering brothers and sisters in Orissa by praying specifically for them this Christmas season. In particular, we encourage you to use the following prayer from Mgr. Raphael Cheenath, the Catholic Archbishop of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar in Orissa, in your churches on Christmas Day:

    "Gracious Father, Lord of all the earth, we praise you for the gift of Jesus Christ, sent into the world to break down the dividing walls of hostility. Have mercy upon those in Orissa who are suffering. Give them the peace and the justice that they crave, and cause the walls of bitterness and hatred in Orissa to be torn down. Comfort those who have been bereaved, counsel those who have been traumatised, provide for those who have lost everything. Give them the grace to forgive and confidence in your gracious favour. Do not let us forget them, our brothers and sisters in Christ, as we celebrate the coming of the Prince of Peace and look forward to his coming again in glory."

    For the full RLP report, "Orissa: A call to action and a call to prayer," please click here.

    To find out more about the persecution of Christians in India, go to theIndia Country Report.

  • Christians beaten, church burned down

    The Voice of the Martyrs received several reports of attacks on Christians by Hindu militants in the states of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh in recent weeks.

    Hindu militants
    Photo from AsiaNews

    At approximately 2:00 a.m. on December 8, Hindu militants set fire to the Jesus Lights Manna Church in the village of Metpally, Andhra Pradesh. The building's main door, altar and window panels were destroyed and Bibles and other Christian literature were burned. At last report, several of the militants involved in the attack had been arrested by authorities.

    On December 9, Pastor N. Moses and several other believers were attacked by Hindu militants while returning home from a prayer meeting in Kistapuram village, Andhra Pradesh. Pastor Moses suffered severe internal injuries and young Christian girls were also beaten. The militants also shouted slogans against Christianity and accused the believers of forcibly converting people. (Source: All India Christian Council)

    Pastor Manjunath (26) and his wife Saraswati (24) were viciously attacked by a mob of Hindu militants who broke into their home in the town of KR Nagar, Karnataka on December 14. The militants accused the couple of forcibly converting people and severely beat them. Saraswati sustained serious injuries but was denied medical attention due to pressure from local militants. When Pastor Manjunath went to the local police station to file a report against the attackers, the officials detained him. The officials have also sealed up the couple's house.

    Pray for healing for those injured in these attacks. Pray that Pastor Manjunath will be released. Pray that those who seek to hinder the work of the Church in India will see the love and grace of Jesus in the lives of Indian Christians.

    To find out more about the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Pray for persecuted Christians in Orissa this Christmas

    Purna, one of the believers
    who was beaten in August 2008
    The Catholic Archbishop of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar in India's Orissa state has requested prayer from believers around the world this Christmas season for the victims of anti-Christian violence in the area. Please join him in remembering our brothers and sisters in Orissa. (Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

    "Gracious Father, Lord of all the earth, we praise you for the gift of Jesus Christ, sent into the world to break down the dividing walls of hostility. Have mercy upon those in Orissa who suffer for bearing your name. Give them the peace and the justice that they crave, and cause the walls of bitterness and hatred in Orissa to be torn down. Comfort those who have been bereaved, counsel those who have been traumatised, provide for those who have lost everything. Give them the grace to forgive and confidence in your gracious favour. Do not let us forget them, our brothers and sisters in Christ, as we celebrate the coming of the Prince of Peace and look forward to his coming again in glory."

    Click here to learn more about the ongoing opposition facing Christians in India.

  • Three churches attacked in Tamil Nadu

    Window of the church in Sulur
    Photo from GCIC
    Three church buildings were attacked within two days in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. On November 29, a bomb exploded at a church in Thammathukonam, badly damaging the building's wall. Later that day, a statue of St. Francis Xavier was desecrated by militants in Konamkade while the local congregation was preparing for an Advent procession. The next day, a group of Hindu militants broke the windows of a church building in Sulur and threw stones inside. A bag containing a container of petrol, a diesel can and cotton scraps was later found, suggesting that the attackers intended to set the building on fire.

    Pray that Christians in Tamil Nadu will not give in to fear over these attacks but continue to be bold witnesses for Jesus. Pray that the perpetrators of this violence will be brought to justice.

    Click here to find out more about how Christians suffer in India.

  • Christians throughout India targeted in violent attacks

    The Voice of the Martyrs received several reports of violence against Christians in India throughout the week, including the following two incidents.

    On the morning of October 25, four men entered the Assembly of God church building in Old Hubli, Karnataka during a worship service and started taking notes and photographing the worshippers. When the pastor's wife, Radha David (42), asked the men to sit quietly and listen to the sermon, they immediately left. A few minutes later, a group of approximately 50 Hindu militants stormed into the church. They threatened the believers and dragged Pastor K.M. David Raj (47) outside. The militants then collected the Bibles, Christian literature and banners and burned them in front of the church building. Police arrived on scene and brought Pastor Raj, Radha, and three other believers to the police station. At last report, the five remained in police custody.

    On the same day, Pastor Pavithra Kumar (28) was brutally beaten following a morning worship service in Mastoori town, Madhya Pradesh. Approximately 11 Hindus called Pastor Kumar outside where they attacked him with their fists, wooden rods and field hockey sticks. Pastor Kumar was able to escape his assailants and run back inside the church building. However, he was badly injured on his hands, chest, back and head.

    Pray that these believers will keep their eyes on Jesus, persevere in their faith, and not grow weary or lose heart (Hebrews 10:32-39, Hebrews 12:1-3). Pray that those who seek to hinder the work of the Church in India will see the love and grace of Jesus in the lives of Indian Christians.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Pastor attacked and arrested in Karnataka

    Pastor Singaram Prakash
    Photo from GCIC

    At approximately 7:00 p.m. on October 4, Hindu militants attacked Pastor Singaram Prakash (60) after he attended a prayer meeting in Kaiwara village, Karnataka. The militants beat the pastor and accused him of "cheating" people. Police detained the pastor and questioned him for hours about his Christian activities. Twenty-five local people have reportedly presented evidence in support of Pastor Prakash, emphasizing that he had not conducted illegal activities and had only entered people's houses for prayer at their request. At last report, he was still in custody. Pastor Prakash has been leading a church in the nearby village of Tharabanhalli for 10 years.

    Pray for Pastor Prakash's release. Pray for safety for his wife and two daughters, who are also involved in ministry in the area.

    To learn more about Indian Christians under fire for their faith, visit theIndia Country Report.

  • Pastor attacked by Hindu militants in Andhra Pradesh

    Pastor Vanamali Parishudham
    Photo from Compass Direct

    Pastor Vanamali Parishudham (35) was brutally assaulted by Hindu militants in Yellareddygudam village in Andhra Pradesh on September 20, according to a September 28 report from Compass Direct. The militants attacked the pastor while he walking home from a Sunday worship service, battering him with sharp-edged metal rods. He was left for dead in the middle of the road, unconscious and bleeding profusely from his head. He was later taken to a local hospital where he received six stitches. At last report, he was undergoing head scans to detect any internal injuries. Commenting on the incident, Pastor Parishudham said: "I am scared and fear facing more attacks in the future, but I will continue to preach and go to the prayer house."

    Pray for healing for Pastor Parishudham. Pray that he will grow in Christlikeness as he suffers for his faith (James 1:2-4). Pray that the faithfulness of Indian Christians will be a light that draws others to Christ.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Relief camp bombed in Orissa

    The Nandarigi relief camp,
    which was recently visited by VOMC staff

    A Christian relief camp in Nandarigi village, Orissa state -- where several families fled following the outbreak of anti-Christian violence in August 2008 (click here for the details) -- was bombed on September 27. Four Christians were seriously injured in the blast and the Hindu man that set off the bomb was killed. Five days earlier, the man had reportedly threatened Christians at the camp with violence, demanding that he be given food and shelter. He returned the night of the bombing and, in a heavily intoxicated state, physically assaulted two Christian boys and uttered more threats against the believers present. When the man slipped and fell, he accidentally detonated the bomb. Officials have claimed that Maoist militants were behind the attack but local Christians maintain that the bombing was planned and executed by Hindus.

    Pray for healing for those injured. Pray that the displaced Christians will continue to look to the Lord as their enduring source of strength, provision and wisdom. Ask God to work in the hearts of Hindu militants targeting Christians so that they will repent and come to faith in Christ.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.