

  • Christian Families Face Expulsion for Their Faith

    Families in two villages have been asked to leave their homes and resettle elsewhere because they have turned to Christ. Village chief Keang Khean of north-central Laos has asked all Christians to leave immediately. Tensions are high in the village, which is located in the Chomphet district of Luang Prabang province. Meanwhile, three families in the village of Sanam have been given official notice that they should leave, after experiencing two years of persecution. The 18 members of the Ser, Taam and Thong families had their papers confiscated last year and still have not had them returned.

    Prayer has also been requested for a house church in the Hom district of Vientiane province. The four families who founded this church came to Christ after a woman was healed of a serious illness in 2005 when a pastor prayed for her. The families had been attending a church which was a six-mile walk away, but decided to begin a house church in their own village, a congregation that has since grown to include 16 families. However, these believers have faced stiff opposition from others in the village, including accusations that their worship creates disharmony. On one occasion, a police officer threatened them with violence unless they recanted their faith. For more information on the suffering of Christians in Laos, go to the Laos Country Report.

    Thank God for the resilience and courage of these Christian families who are risking everything as they bear witness of God's love. May many others be drawn to Christ as a result. Pray for the officials who are demanding these believers to leave their villages...that they will realize how Christianity can serve to actually bring about positive changes to their communities, rather than discord.

  • Three Pastors Detained Due to Viewing of Christian Film

    The pastors were detained for
    reproducing a Christian DVD
    similar to this one.

    Three Christian pastors in southern Laos have been arrested and subsequently detained for allegedly spreading Christianity by reproducing a DVD of a Christian film about "End Times." On February 5, 2013, Pastor Bounma of Alowmai Village Church, Pastor Somkaew of Kengsainoi Village Church and Pastor Bounmee of Savet Village Church (located in Sepon district), were all arrested by the Phin district police in Savannakhet province.

    The accused pastors had taken a DVD copy of the film to a shop at the Phin market in order to make three copies. After the copies were made, the owner of the shop, along with the three pastors, tested one of the DVDs by viewing the film. While this was taking place, a police officer came into the shop and noticed the shop owner and the pastors watching the film. The officer then contacted his superior, Lieutenant Khamvee, who arrived at the location accompanied by two deputies. The police arrested the three pastors and took the shop owner to the police station for further questioning. While the shop owner was later released without charge, the pastors were imprisoned. For further information on this country, go to the Laos Country Report.

    Please pray that these pastors will rely on the Lord to give them the right words to say when they stand before the accusing authorities (Matthew 10:19). As a result of His mighty intervention, may they soon be released from prison. Ask the Lord to also strengthen and minister to these church leaders and their families, as well as their congregants, throughout the entire legal process. May genuine religious freedom and spiritual revival take place in this Communist nation.

  • Three Christian leaders arrested

    Three Christians in Laos were arrested earlier this month. It appears that authorities targeted them after believers from a Korean church visited their congregations. Charges are pending against Pastor Bounlert AlaomaiVill, who leads a church of 170 believers, Pastor Adang KengsaiVill, and Onkeo KapangVill, a church leader.

    Police had spoken to the Christian leaders several times in the past in regards to their bold witness for Christ in their district. It is reported that the Christians were taken away in wooden stocks and that no one has been allowed to visit them in the prison.

    Please pray that these Christians will know the strength and love of the Lord in this situation. Pray that their churches will continue to meet together in their absence. Pray that their families will be comforted and supported by their brothers and sisters in Christ.

    For more information on the persecuted Church in Laos, go to the Laos Country Report.

  • Officials pressure Christian villagers

    Pray for Christian families facing opposition in Laos.

    Villagers in Vientiane Province, Laos, are being made to pay a high price for turning to Christ.

    Sadly, four Christian families in one village recently signed papers renouncing their faith after their baptisms reportedly angered the village chief. Officials detained a group of visiting Christians who led the baptism for questioning, although they were later released.

    Meanwhile, in another village, the chief and other members of the community appear to be making every effort to drive out three Christian families. The families were originally given land in the village when they arrived, but since turning to Christ four years ago the village chief has turned against them. He first demanded they pay for the land he had given them as a gift. He later tried to evict them. More recently, he started to have their goats killed and orange trees uprooted.

    Thank God for the Christian families in Vientiane who continue to be a witness to Christ's love, even in the midst of persecution. Pray that they will be able to stand firm in their faith and that many will be drawn to Christ through their witness. Pray that the officials who persecute them will be touched by the Holy Spirit. Pray that those who signed papers renouncing their faith will know God's forgiveness and seek a restored relationship with Him.

    For more information on the persecuted Church in Laos, go to the Laos Country Report.

  • Update: Imprisoned Christians released

    Four Christians who were arrested in June and held without charges have been released in Laos.

    The believers were arrested and their personal belongings were seized after they were caught explaining the Bible to a man in the home of a local Christian (for more, click here).

    The men, two of whom are Thai nationals, were detained for six weeks and were required to pay a small fine before being released. In Luang Namtha province, where the arrests occurred, Christians in at least 15 villages have reported similar cases of harassment by Lao authorities.

    Please pray that God's Word will take hold in the hearts of those who heard the gospel through the faithful witness of these men. Praise God for the release of these faithful brothers. Pray that they will continue to serve the Lord, despite the risks. Pray that God will soften the hearts of authorities in Laos who are hostile to the gospel.

    For more information about persecution in Laos, go to the Laos Country Report.

  • Christians arrested, dismissed from jobs

    A "homemade" baptism - In spite of persecution, our brothers
    and sisters in Laos continue to demonstrate an overcoming faith.

    Lao officials arrested two Lao and two Thai Christians in Luang Namtha Province in June, seizing them from a private residence in Long district. A resident of the village witnessed the Thai Christians, brothers Jonasa and Phanthakorn Wiwatdamrong, explaining Bible passages to enquirers in a private home. He then reported their presence to police. Police raided the home, confiscating the brothers' passports along with biblical literature and Christian CDs. They have reportedly been charged with "spreading the Christian faith without official approval." Jonasa and Phanthakorn, along with two local residents, one identified by the single name Chalar and the other as yet unidentified, were taken directly to Luang Namtha provincial prison.

    Elsewhere, the military commander of Phin district, Savannakhet Province, discharged two members of the Alowmai village security force, identified by the single names Khamsorn and Tonglai, for converting to Christianity.

    Thank the Lord for the faithfulness of these believers. Ask Him to give them the faith to stand firm during this trial. Pray they will take comfort in the fact that God commends those who suffer for doing good (1 Peter 2:20-21). Pray they will be witnesses of the gospel to their persecutors.

    For more information about persecution in Laos, go to the Laos Country Report.

  • Police arrest pastor for spreading faith

    A 53-year-old Lao pastor remains behind bars after police arrested him on June 6 for encouraging others to convert to Christianity. The arrest of Asa, identified by only a single name, took place at his home in Peeyeur village, Luang Namtha Province. Police then drove Asa to the Luang Namtha provincial prison, some 50 kilometres away -- too far to allow visits from concerned family members or friends who have limited access to road transport. If normal procedure had been followed, police would have held Asa in a village or district prison for three days while they investigated charges against him.

    On June 7, Khamla, a prominent Christian leader in the province, met with police and discovered that Asa had been charged with leading people to Christ. Two years ago police forced Asa to sign documents agreeing that he would neither proclaim Christ nor lead people to Christianity. This year, however, many people in Peeyeur and surrounding villages, touched by Asa's life and testimony, have accepted Christ. Authorities in southern Laos have also continued to threaten, interrogate and arrest Christians.

    Praise the Lord for Asa's faithfulness in spreading the gospel. Pray that he will rely on the Lord to give him the words to say when he stands before accusing authorities (Matthew 10:19). Pray that, even now, he will be a witness for Jesus.

    Go to the Laos Country Report for more on persecuted Christians in Laos.

  • Mother expels Christian children from home

    Pray for young people in Laos who face
    persecution because of their faith in Jesus.

    An 18-year-old son and 20-year-old daughter have been expelled from their home because of their Christian faith. When their mother became extremely ill, village elders claimed that the spirits were displeased because the two Christian children were living in the house. An older son tried to persuade his brother and sister to recant their faith, but they refused. Their mother then accused them of hating their older brother and wishing him dead. She threw their belongings out of the house and told them to leave. The two siblings immediately moved to a Christian village where they originally heard the gospel, where they were welcomed with open arms.

    Pray for these two brave Christians as they begin a new life away from their family. Pray that they will rest in the knowledge that the Good Shepherd walks with them through this difficult time (Psalm 23). Pray that their family members will come to know Jesus Christ and that the family will reconcile.

    To learn more about the persecuted Church in Laos, please visit the Laos Country Report.

  • Update: Orphans remain faithful

    Children in a village in Laos

    A group of 11 orphans in Laos who were threatened with expulsion from school for attending church have shown remarkable faith. The children have continued to attend church, slipping away one at a time to avoid being detained by school officials on their way to worship.

    Last August, the headmaster of the government-sponsored school called the boys into his office and told them if they did not stop attending church they would be expelled (for more, click here). Initially only four of the boys dared to defy the headmaster, but after witnessing the faithfulness of the four, all the boys began attending church again.

    The boys have not been confronted by school officials in several months, and those who care for the orphans believe that their steadfast faith has deterred officials from trying to prevent the boys from going to church.

    Praise God for these orphans who indeed have the "faith of a child" (Mark 10:15). Please pray that their faithfulness will draw school administrators to Christ and make them open to receiving the gospel.

    For more information on the trials Christians face in Laos, go to the Laos Country Report.

  • Officials arrest five Christians in southern village

    On March 25, officials in a village in southern Laos arrested and detained five Christians during worship and charged them with leading a religious movement without official approval, according to advocacy group Human Rights Watch for Lao Religious Freedom.

    The five Christians from Palansai district were attending a worship service in nearby Boukham village in Ad-Sapangthong district. The two men -- Phosee and Viengsai -- and three women -- Alee, Poon, and Narm -- had previously attended services in the area without interference from authorities.

    Boukham church members meet in a private home, as do Christians in most other provincial villages. Officials strongly oppose small groups meeting outside the umbrella of the government-approved Lao Evangelical Church, but many Christians prefer meeting at house churches, citing strict controls over LEC activities. "This is typical of Laos now," a pastor from the capital, Vientiane, said. "In Vientiane we see things opening up a little. But the law is fluid. Things can change from day to day, and the situation is still very difficult in the provinces."

    Pray for the release of these believers. Ask the Lord to give them the strength to stand firm in their faith. Pray they will rely on the Lord to give them the words to say as they stand before authorities (Matthew 10:19). Pray that God will use them as a witness for the gospel even at this difficult time.

    For more information on the persecuted Church in Laos, go to the Laos Country Report.