

  • Christians Ordered to Prison
    Sara Ahmadi and Homayoun Zhaveh Photo: Article18
    Sara Ahmadi and Homayoun Zhaveh
    Photo: Article18

    Christian converts Homayoun Zhaveh and his wife Sara Ahmadi were on holidays with friends when they were arrested by Iranian intelligence officials. As a result of their house church activities, Homayoun was sentenced to two years in prison while Sara received a sentence of eight years. At last report, they were awaiting an order to report to prison. More details are available here.

  • Widow's Family Narrowly Escapes Arson
    A church in Uganda - Photo: Flickr / Rod Waddington
    Christians in Uganda are facing growing opposition.
    Photo: Flickr / Rod Waddington (cc)

    In September 2015, Siriman Kintu was beheaded because he converted from Islam to Christianity. He left behind his wife Kanifa Namulondo, who had also converted, along with their five children.

    Following her husband's death, Kanifa and her children fled their home in Kaliro, Uganda. However, she recently determined to return to the village and, with the help of friends, rebuilt the house. On April 25th, she moved back into the home with her children.

  • Verdict for Bookstore Managers Expected on May 30th
    Pastor Rachid Seighir - Photo: Facebook via Morning Start News www.morningstarnews.org
    Rev. Rachid Seighir
    Photo: Facebook via Morning Star News

    On February 27th, Pastor Rachid Seighir and Nouh Hamimi were sentenced to two years in an Algerian prison for allegedly "shaking the faith" of Muslims through the availability of Christian literature in their church-operated bookstore. Although the appeal of their sentence was heard on May 16th (read more), it has been announced that the verdict will be handed down on May 30th.

  • Pastor Slain After Leading Muslims to Christ
    A church in Africa
    Pray that the Lord will give His people boldness, wisdom and safety in the face of such opposition.

    Pastor Thomas Chikooma served at an independent Pentecostal church in the village of Ngalwe, Uganda. He was invited by local Muslims to participate in an open-air religious debate in the larger community of Pallisa. After giving his defence of Christianity, he was privileged to lead 14 people to faith in Christ, including six who had been Muslims.

  • Four Christians Killed
    A home in Indonesia
    Photo: Open Doors

    A small militant group associated with ISIS, referred to as The East Indonesia Mujahideen, is known for its acts of violence. This same group was responsible for an attack in November that left four Christians dead (read the report). Therefore, when five members of the group were spotted in the village of Kalimago on May 11th, the townspeople were alarmed.

  • Christian Man's Wife Seized by Opposing Family
    Woman by a window
    Pray that "A's" wife and others like her will experience the compassion of our Heavenly Father.

    A Saudi believer identified only as "A" has been facing legal challenges after openly speaking about his conversion to Christianity, as well as assisting his Christian sister to flee the country (read more). While frivolous charges of theft against him were dropped in April (see report here), he continues to endure further court challenges and added personal concerns. His next court hearing is scheduled for May 30th.

  • Conversion by Deception
    Adnan's supposed conversion - Photo: Morning Star News www.morningstarnews.org
    A social media post announced Adnan's "conversion."
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Adnan Bashir is a mentally challenged Christian man living in Gujjar Khan, Punjab. On April 14th, he wandered from his home and inadvertently encountered a protest being held by members of the Islamist Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) Party.

  • Christian Man Tortured Into False Confession
    Salamat in a police van; his mother and attorney - Photo: Morning Star News - https://morningstarnews.org
    Salamat speaking with his mother and attorney.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    On February 13th, Haroon Ayub Masih and his friend Salamat Mansha Masih were accused of blasphemy after reading the Bible out loud at a public park in Lahore, Pakistan, and then offering a Christian book to a Muslim man. Haroon and his family escaped into hiding, but Salamat was arrested (read more).

  • Two Christian Nurses Accused of Blasphemy
    Maryam Lal and Navish Arooj with officers - Photo: Morning Star News
    Maryam Lal and Navish Arooj with officers.
    Photo: Morning Star News

    On April 9th, Maryam Lal and Navish Arooj were directed by a senior nurse to clean up the walls of the Civil Hospital in Faisalabad, Pakistan, by removing any wall hangings or stickers found. When the Christians did as they were told, they were accused of desecrating wall hangings containing verses from the Quran. The two nurses have now been formally charged with blasphemy against Islam.

  • Palm Sunday Suicide Bombing
    Sacred Heart Cathedral, Sulawesi, Indonesia - Photo: Wikipedia / Tropen Museum
    The Sacred Heart Cathedral has stood
    in this location since 1900.
    Photo: Wikipedia / Tropen Museum (cc)

    The Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral in Makassar, Sulawesi, had just finished its Palm Sunday Mass on March 29th, and were in the midst of preparations for a second service, when the air was suddenly filled with the sound of an explosion. A newly married couple belonging to the ISIS-affiliated group, Jamaah Ansharut Daulah, had detonated explosives, killing themselves and wounding at least 20 other people.