

  • Christian Convert Released from Prison

    Sisir Islam - Photo: VOM US www.icommittopray.com
    Photo: VOM USA

    A Christian convert from Islam, who had been imprisoned for more than two years, was released on bail recently. Sisir Islam became a believer in 2012 and immediately began sharing Jesus with others in his community, leading 17 friends to Christ.

    On September 23rd, 2014, after returning home from a VOM-supported training centre, Sisir was charged with the murder of a local business man. He later learned that Muslim leaders in his village had accused him of the murder as retribution for his conversion to Christianity.

  • 35 Prisoners Released!
    A man reading the Psalms in the Eritrean hills
    A man reading the Psalms in the Eritrean hills.
    Photo: Flickr / Joseph Bautista (cc):

    In a surprising move, 35 prisoners of faith were released on bail from the Mai-Sirwa prison on July 17th and 18th, after serving more than four years. The 11 women and 24 men, all members of unregistered Christian churches, were mostly young people not in leadership positions. Although all of them had signed a statement four and a half years ago, promising to no longer attend meetings at unregistered churches, officials continued to hold them in detention without cause.

  • Recent Sentencing Includes Pastor's Son
    Ramiel Bettamraz Photo: Middle East Concern www.meconcern.org
    Ramiel Bet Tamraz
    Photo: Middle East Concern

    Ramiel Bet Tamraz was arrested along with four converts from Islam when security officials raided a picnic that took place northeast of Tehran on August 26th, 2016. Although the five Christians were interrogated and eventually released, Ramiel and his friend were charged with "acting against national security." Both were released on bail in October 2016.

  • Christian Acquitted

    Idir Hamdad - World Watch Monitor www.worldwatchmonitor.org
    Idir Hamdad
    Photo: World Watch Monitor

    In April 2016, Idir Hamdad was returning to Algeria from a study trip to Amman, Jordan. When his luggage was inspected at the airport upon return, customs officials found his Bible and some other Christian books, along with some cross-shaped keychains he had been given. He was interrogated for eight hours, during which time the officers insulted his faith and told him that if he renounced Christianity, he would be freed.

  • Christians Under Increased Pressure

    AlgeriaChristian leaders in Algeria have asked for international support following several recent incidents that threaten the human rights, and especially the religious rights, of Christians in the country, according to a February 7 report from Middle East Concern. Believers are under pressure in the following three ways: