
Sri Lanka

  • Pastor killed in Sri Lanka

    Pastor Sebamalai Gunesh with his family
    Photo from
    Ravin Caldera

    Pastor Sebamalai Gunesh (33) of Elohim Gospel Church in the village of Orugodawatte on the outskirts of Colombo was found dead on October 8, according to the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka. The pastor was reported missing on October 6 when he did not return home from a religious meeting held in the town of Kadawatha. Pastor Gunesh's brother was also found dead in a nearby location.

    Ask God to comfort Pastor Gunesh's wife, 4-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter in their grief. Pray that those responsible for the attacks will come to repentance and salvation, just as Paul did. Pray for wisdom and protection for those serving Christ in Sri Lanka at great risk.

    For more information on the suffering of Christians in Sri Lanka, go to theSri Lanka Country Report.

  • Church hall burned and believers threatened

    On September 23, a mob of approximately 60 people led by a Buddhist monk and a local politician set fire to a partially constructed church hall belonging to the Prayer Tower Church in Mailankulama, Puttlam district, Sri Lanka, according to a September 25 report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka. Several Christians who tried to intervene in the attack were assaulted. Police officers were eventually able to disperse the mob. However, around midnight some of the attackers threatened to kill Christian children if they attended school the next day. Another church member who had tried to protect the building was also threatened with death by the militants on both September 23 and 24. The arson attack was the second in the district in recent months as another church building was burned down on August 17.

    Pray that attacks on Christians and church buildings in Puttlam district will cease (Psalm 33:14-22). Pray that those who act with hostility against Christians will repent and be drawn to faith in Christ.

    To learn more about the struggles Christians in Sri Lanka face, go to theSri Lanka Country Report.

  • Christians Attacked in Sri Lanka

    There were at least two incidents of violence against Christians in Sri Lanka in recent weeks, according to a July 7 report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka.

    Unidentified assailants set fire to the house of an Assemblies of God church pastor in the city of Middeniya on the evening of July 3. The pastor, his wife and his two children awoke to find that a fire had been started by the main door of their house. The family managed to put the blaze before it caused extensive damage and no one was injured. Local villagers opposed to the pastor’s church have reportedly been threatening him and his family in recent weeks.

    On July 6, a mob attacked the Calvary Church after false rumours about Christians attacking a temple spread in the district of Colombo. At approximately 9:30 a.m., five Buddhist monks charged into the church building during a worship service and demanded that the service cease. The pastor led the monks outside where they told him that there was no need for Christians in the village and threatened to destroy all local churches. By the time the police arrived on scene a large mob had gathered around the building. Fearing violence, the pastor sent his congregation away. The mob then attacked the building, completely destroying the contents. They beat the pastor and at least five others with clubs and rods. The pastor and his father were severely injured while others sustained minor injuries.

    Ask God to strengthen and heal the victims of these attacks. Pray that the faithfulness of Christians in Sri Lanka will be a light that draws others to Christ (Matthew 5:14-16).

    For more information on the challenges facing Sri Lanka's Christians, go to the Sri Lanka Country Report.

  • Pastor Assaulted in Ampara

    The pastor of a Methodist church was attacked by three members of the Department of Civil Defense in the village of Uhana in Ampara district at approximately 4:40 p.m. on June 23, according to a June 24 report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka. The men accosted him while he was walking home from a church meeting and asked him to accompany them to a house to speak with people who were interested in Christianity. Sensing it was a trap, the pastor requested that these individuals come to his church and talk with him there. The men then beat him and threatened him against returning to the village. The pastor was hospitalized with serious injuries to his head and nose.

    Pray for healing for the injured pastor. Pray that he and other Christians in Ampara will remain faithful to the task that God has given them at all cost (I Peter 5:1-4).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka, go to theSri Lanka Country Report.

  • Christian Girl Beaten by Fellow Students in Middeniya

    A Christian girl was attacked by her classmates following an anti-Christian meeting held in a mostly Buddhist school in the village of Middeniya, Hambantota district on June 17, according to a June 17 report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka. After a speech by the principal warning students not to go to church, a group of students beat the Christian girl.

    Ask God to heal and comfort the Christian girl who, at last report, was too afraid to return to school. Ask God to strengthen Christians in Sri Lanka to stand in God's grace in the midst of civil war and opposition (1 Peter 5:12).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka, go to theSri Lanka Country Report.

  • Priest Killed in a Claymore Mine Attack
    Father M.X. Karunaratnam
    Photo from TamilEelam News Services
    Father M.X. Karunaratnam, the Chairman of the North East Secretariat on Human Rights in Sri Lanka, was killed in a claymore mine attack in the region of Vanni, near the Kushanthai Jesus Church, at approximately 12:30 p.m. on April 20, according to an April 29 report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka. Father Karunaratnam frequently spoke on behalf of human rights of the civilian population in the northeast of the country, and also provided counseling to those affected by the civil war and the Tsunami.

    Pray that those who mourn for Father Karunaratnam will find strength, comfort and peace in Christ. Ask God to raise up other servants of the Gospel to continue His work in Sri Lanka (Matthew 9:38).

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka, go to theSri Lanka Country Report.

  • Update on Widow of Martyred Pastor

    The health of Mrs. Shiromi Edirisinghe, widow of the late Pastor Neil Edirisinghe, who sustained gunshot injuries in the attack that killed her husband on the February 17 (click here for more details), continues to improve. According to a March 24 update from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka, Shiromi is now able to breathe without the aid of a ventilator and is also able to eat and speak. She continues to be in need of prayer for recovery, however, as she is due to undergo a serious operation to remove a bullet that is lodged close to her spine. She has been transferred to the Kandy Hospital for the procedure. At present her left leg is immobile. Her left arm is also immobile and the bullet wound on it has not yet healed.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka, go to theSri Lanka Country Report.

  • Update on the Widow of Murdered Pastor
    Pastor Neil Edirisinghe
    Photos from
    Mrs. Shiromi Edirisinghe, widow of the late Pastor Neil Edirisinghe, who sustained gunshot injuries in the attack that killed her husband on the February 17 (click here for more) still remains in critical condition, according to a March 14 update from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka. She has regained consciousness but is still unable to breathe on her own. Pray for the continued recovery of Shiromi and her son.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka, go to theSri Lanka Country Report.

  • Violence Against Christians

    Several Christians were beaten and threatened in Sri Lanka in recent weeks, according to a March 4 report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka.

    On February 17, a mob of approximately 50 people armed with rods attacked members of The King's Revival Church in the district of Mathugama, Kaluthara while they were returning from a Sunday worship service. Four believers were assaulted, including a child. The assailants also threatened the believers who belonged to the Tamil ethnic community that they would be imprisoned if they returned to the church. A week later, on February 24, group of individuals armed with gardening tools gathered on the road near the church building. They threatened the believers with violence and prevented them from attending the scheduled worship service.

    On March 2, ten students were beaten by a group of masked men on motorcycles while they were walking from the Lunuwila Railway to their school, the Believers' Church Bible College in Putlam District. Then more attackers arrived in a van and dragged a student inside the vehicle and severely beat him. When one of the students ran to the college for help, he was followed by a motorcyclist who attacked the college security guard and fled.

    Pray that as persecution increases in Sri Lanka, believers will find strength in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:5). Pray that persecutors throughout Sri Lanka will be challenged by the consistent testimony of Christ's followers and be drawn to Him.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka, go to the Sri Lanka Country Report.

  • Pastor Killed in Ampara

    Sri Lanka mapPastor Neil Edirisinghe (37) of the House Church Foundation was gunned down by two assailants outside his house in Ampara, Sri Lanka on February 17, according to a report from the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL). Pastor Edirisinghe was engaged in the Lord's ministry in Ampara for many years. The attackers also shot his wife Shiromi (31) in the stomach. At last report, she was in the hospital in critical condition. Their two-year-old son who received a minor injury in the attack is also suffering from trauma. Information received by NCEASL indicated that the murder of the pastor was a contract killing done by people angry with his gospel ministry, which had led to the conversion of a prominent local person. The police have arrested four people, including two members of an auxiliary force and a businessman, in connection with the murder.

    Pray for the Lord's peace and comfort for Pastor Edirisinghe's family (2 Cor. 1:4-7). Pray for the recovery of his wife and child. Pray that they will know the Lord as their Father.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka, go to theSri Lanka Country Report.