

  • Young Woman Rescued From Intended Fatal Beating

    In eastern Uganda, a young Christian convert was severely beaten on November 12th by her militant Muslim father after leaving Islam to follow Christ. Namusisi Birye reportedly converted to Christianity at an evangelistic event, but somehow news of the decision had reached her father before she arrived home. Upon entering the house at about 7 p.m. that evening, Namusisi was immediately attacked by her father, whose intention was to beat her to death. Thankfully, some leaders in her community intervened just in time.

    "My father had a wooden stick and started beating me as I entered the house," recalls Namusisi. "As my mother was about to beat me also, the local council chairman...arrived and rescued me. Soon some neighbours who are Christians also arrived." One of these neighbours happened to be a church leader. The concerned leader explains of the alarming incident, "As we arrived, the girl was bleeding, and her clothes had blood stains all over."

    While the distraught young woman's screams brought several neighbours to the scene, her mother and father insisted she die. "Our daughter must be killed according to Islam, because she has become an apostate," her father told those who came to her aid. "She can never be our daughter again."

    After persuading the irate parents not to kill their daughter, a suggested resolution was proposed. It was officially agreed with a statement signed by the parents to release her to the local council chairman, Mutaana Paul, who has willingly accepted Namusisi into his home temporarily. "She is now recuperating after being disowned by her parents," the council chairman reports. Namusisi, who has been suffering from severe pain in her ribs since the beating, is receiving treatment at a local clinic. She has also sustained injuries to her right hand and bruises on her forehead.

    Unfortunately, Namusisi wasn't the only participant in the recent evangelistic event whose life was endangered as a result of conversion. During the same event, which happened to be interrupted by a group of furious militants, a man who was dressed as a Muslim leader went to the front during the meeting to acknowledge his acceptance of Jesus Christ as Saviour. Even though the whereabouts of the former Islamic leader are unknown, local Christians are worried about his safety.

    Please join us in praying for Namusisi's complete physical and emotional healing, asking the Lord to comfort her after this painful ordeal and help her to come to terms with the loss of her now estranged family. Although this young convert has had to pay a high price to follow Christ, may she rejoice in knowing that her Heavenly Father warmly embraces her as one of His own dearly beloved children. Pray that as this truth resonates in her heart, she will have a greater resolve to follow Him. Ask the Lord to wonderfully bless and encourage Namusisi, especially regarding His desired plan of salvation for her unsaved family through the power of the Holy Spirit. In addition, please pray for the protection and discipleship of the other convert who made a commitment to follow Jesus while at the evangelistic event...so he, too, will experience God's goodness and fulfill the future plans that are in store for his life and potential ministry (Jeremiah 29:11).

  • Woman Murdered in Revenge for Husband's Conversion

    A Christian man's wife was murdered in east Uganda because he left Islam -- and only a month after his brother had been killed for the same reason. On October 19th, strangers dragged Mamwikomba Mwanika from her home in Kalampete, located within the district of Kibuku, and assaulted her. The dedicated mother of eight died on her way to hospital.

    Reportedly, Mamwikomba's attackers had demanded to see her husband George, who ignored their previous threats mandating that he return to Islam. Just weeks prior to this incident, George's brother, Samson Nfunyeku, was killed in Kalampete on September 23rd after taking part in a religious debate with Islamic scholars. Residents of Kalampete have asked for greater security in the area.

    While Uganda is predominantly Christian, some eastern areas have large Muslim populations. In many cases of persecution within this country, extremists particularly target Christians with a Muslim background. Regardless, George, who has received death threats, is standing firm in his faith. "We are seeking God's protection and His peace," he states. "May God give me the courage to continue sharing the love of Christ to those who are lost."

    Pray that God will provide needed comfort to George and his children in the midst of their grief. Thank Him for fulfilling His promise to be "close to the brokenhearted" (Psalm 34:18). As each of them heal from their tragic loss, may they sense the Lord's consoling and protective presence, and thus have a greater resolve to remain steadfast. We also acknowledge the overcoming faith and powerful witness of both dedicated brothers, George and Samson, who have willingly testified to others in their community despite the risks. As a result, may many more Ugandans come to faith in Christ and grow strong in their commitment to Him.

  • Abuse Perpetrated Against 'Women of Faith'
    Pray for the safety of women in Uganda.
    Photo: Flickr / CIAT (cc)

    A teenager from eastern Uganda, whose parents had converted to Christianity, was gang raped and beaten a few weeks ago. The 19-year-old college student was still receiving hospital treatment nine days after the attack which took place in the Bukedea district.

    Three masked men ambushed the young woman as she was returning from her teacher training college on September 19th. They threatened to kill her because her parents had left Islam, then they beat her to an unconscious state. She was discovered by passersby the next day. This attack has worrying similarities to the gang rape of a pastor's daughter that took place in the predominantly Muslim Budaka district of east Uganda earlier this year.

    Meanwhile, also in Budaka, a mother of eight attests that she has been forced to return to Islam, after in-laws threatened to kill her and take away her children. The woman's husband left her ten years ago because she became a Christian. The discouraged 36-year-old mother is said to be "spiritually troubled" and has asked for prayer that God would restore her to Christ.

    Ask the Lord to greatly comfort and heal both of the young Christian women who were raped and beaten. May He protect them from any further harm, and bring needed comfort to their concerned families, strengthening each of them in their faith. In addition, please uphold the abused mother from Budaka who was forced to convert to Islam, praying that she will experience God's presence, restoration and protection. Ask Him to also protect her children -- both physically and spiritually. Let us also be mindful to intercede on behalf of our other persecuted brothers and sisters in Uganda, praying that they will put their trust fully in God, even amid the rising persecution in certain areas -- particularly against Christians of a Muslim background.

  • Christian Doctor Poisoned by Militants

    A Christian doctor has been hospitalized after Islamic militants sought to poison him. The attack was reportedly in retaliation for the doctor providing medical treatment to a pastor's daughter. The girl had been attacked because her father had ignored the militants' warnings to cease worship services.

    While the victimized girl has thankfully received some medical attention, she still requires further care. The extremists also issued death threats against the entire family. VOM field workers are now requesting prayer for the doctor, as well as all the members of this persecuted pastor's family.

    Please bring this difficult situation to our Lord in prayer, asking Him to grant these believers needed protection as they faithfully continue their ministry work, wisdom on how to best serve Him and His people under the circumstances, and the grace to forgive those who are persecuting them. Also ask for complete and prompt healing for both the pastor's daughter and the doctor who initially attended to her medically. Finally, pray that the militants involved in these assaults will be convicted of God's truth so they can seek repentance and ultimately give their hearts to Jesus Christ.

    To watch a short video about another pastor who has endured tragic violence because of his ministry work in Uganda, visit this page.

  • Christian Teenager Beaten and Disowned

    A teenager was recently beaten by her adoptive father when he discovered that Saidha and her sister had converted to Christianity. The girls, who live in the primarily Muslim village of Bwite, accepted Christ after hearing the Gospel message at an evangelistic meeting. When their adoptive father, Ali Sooka Abudalah, learned about their new faith, he beat Saidha with a club. Ali, the son of the local imam, had adopted Saidha and her sister after their biological father died several years ago.

    Saidha's face was left badly swollen after the heartless beating, requiring that she spend about a week in a medical clinic while being treated for her injuries. Ali then determined that since Saidha had decided to leave Islam, she could no longer be raised as one of his children. He took her to a church in the village and notified local authorities that he intended to leave her in the custody of a church leader. In an official document, Ali turned over custody of the girl to the pastor, adding that he does not "want to know or hear any matter concerning her because she confessed Christ as her personal Saviour." The letter was signed on December 13th, 2014, by Ali, 12 witnesses and several other local officials.

    A VOM worker visited Saidha a few weeks ago, after travelling several hours to reach her. Thankfully, the teen is presently being well cared for in the home of evangelist Muwanguzi Hassan, another convert from Islam to Christianity. Muwanguzi and his wife care for 17 other children who were also disowned by their families for the same reason. The couple is one of just four Christian families residing within their Muslim village.

    Thank the Lord for the steadfast faith of Saidha! May the love and support of this new Christian family sustain and encourage the young believer as she rebuilds her life. In particular, may God grant complete healing from the physical assault she encountered, as well as recovery from the emotional wounds of being abandoned by her adoptive father. Pray that Saidha's sister will also continue to grow in the Christian faith, and that God will keep both of these precious girls safe in His loving care. Additionally, may He move powerfully in this Muslim village so that many more will learn the truth of the Gospel.

  • Injured Pastor Celebrates Homecoming
    Pastor Umar, wearing a compression bandage,
    is thankful to be reunited with his wife and children.

    On May 25th, a pastor who was severely injured for his Christian witness was able to return home to his wife, six children and congregation in Kampala.

  • Update: Doctors attempt to save eye of injured pastor

    Pray that Bishop Umar will retain sight in his left eye.
    Photo: Compass Direct News

    A church leader in Uganda who was targeted in an acid attack in December 2011 is currently receiving treatment in Israel to retain vision in his remaining eye. Doctors at Sheba Hospital in Tel-Aviv are still not sure what chemicals Muslim extremists threw on Bishop Umar Mulinde, but they know that the acid is threatening the vision in his left eye. Mulinde said his left eye has been getting better under the specialized treatment he has been able to receive. However, Mulinde also said that "the damaged right eye is somehow affecting the left eye. The doctors are thinking of removing the right eye with hope of saving the left eye."

    Mulinde said he was encouraged that ministry is continuing at his church in Namasuba, though his friend Zachariah Serwadda was ambushed on February 4 after an evangelistic outreach in the predominantly Muslim town of Mbale. "I only heard several voices as I dropped down when the windshield of my vehicle got broken," said Serwadda, who was unhurt in the attack. "It could be the same group [that attacked Mulinde]. It seems it's the same network, because after attacking Bishop Mulinde they threw down letters at the [church]... threatening to attack other preachers like him."

    Pray that Mulinde will retain his sight. Thank the Lord for the faithfulness of Mulinde and his friend Serwadda. Pray that the Lord will bless their efforts to spread the gospel. Pray that the perpetrators of these attacks will repent and come to know Jesus Christ. Please pray that increased persecution in Uganda will result in increased boldness among believers (Acts 4:29-31).

  • Ugandan convert to Christianity flees country

    A convert to Christianity who was formerly a member of a Muslim extremist group has fled Uganda and is in hiding in Kenya. Hassan Sharif Lubenga, 54, was was a sheikh and a member of a violent Islamist group. In June 2011, after dreams and visions in which Jesus appeared to him, Hassan made a full commitment to follow Christ.

    Extremists have been threatening Hassan since 2007, when he first began to speak of dreams and visions of Christ. Dangers peaked when Muslims saw him visiting a church. By April 2010, one of his four wives poisoned him because of his budding faith in Christ, leaving him unconscious. Due to increasing hostility, Hassan fled to Kenya in July 2011. Upon returning to Uganda in September, he learned that extremists and his former colleagues were threatening to kill him.

    When Hassan felt like giving up on his new faith, he received a call from Bishop Umar Mulinde, his former pastor who was later attacked by Muslim militants (for more on Umar's attack, click here). Umar told him the church was praying for him, and Hassan was deeply heartened. Hassan has since fled again to Kenya, where his movements are severely restricted.

    Ask the Lord to continue to strengthen Hassan -- may God use his testimony to encourage the faith of other Christians in Uganda and Kenya. Pray that Hassan's conviction will also cause many of his former friends and contacts to question their Islamic faith. Ask the Lord to provide for Hassan's every need. Praise the Lord for the way He touches people through dreams and visions.

  • Update: Girl tortured by her father for her faith walks again

    Susan Ithungu is slowly regaining the
    use of her legs after being locked in
    a room for six months.
    Photo: Compass Direct News

    A 15-year-old Christian girl in Uganda is slowly regaining the use of her legs after her father, in an attempt to make her convert back to Islam, confined her in a small room and deprived her of adequate food and water.

    Susan Ithungu was locked in a room for six months after accepting Christ as her Saviour in 2010 (for more information, click here). She weighed just 20 kilograms when she was finally rescued after her brother informed neighbours of his sister's life-threatening condition. The two children lived alone with their father who was arrested last fall when the girl was removed from the home by police and hospitalized for more than a month. Susan's father was quickly released, however, and remains unapologetic for the abuse. Susan now lives in a rented house in an undisclosed location.

    "Well-wishers have been paying the house rent and buying me food and clothing," said Susan, who added that she has forgiven her father. A church member, Biira Dreda, left her own four children with family to care for Susan. Susan has begun to walk with support, but cannot squat or stand upright due to the amount of time she spent immobilized. She hopes to return to school soon, but remains in very fragile condition.

    Please pray that Susan will continue to make progress in her physical and emotional healing. Pray that she will regain full use of her legs and will be strong enough to continue in her studies. Pray that her brother and her father will see Christ's love in Susan and that they will be brought to salvation. Please pray for Biira; pray that her love and compassion for Susan will be rewarded with abundant blessings.

  • Muslim extremists throw acid on church leader

    Muslim extremists threw acid on Bishop Umar Mulinde
    outside his church near Kampala.
    Photo: Compass Direct News

    Islamic extremists threw acid on a church leader on Christmas Eve, leaving him with severe burns that have blinded one eye and threaten his sight in the other. Bishop Umar Mulinde, 37, who was previously a sheikh (Islamic teacher), was attacked when a man who claimed to be a Christian approached him.

    "I heard him say in a loud voice, 'Pastor, pastor,' and as I made a turn and looked at him, he poured the liquid onto my face as others poured more liquid on my back and then fled away shouting, 'Allahu akbar [God is greater],'" Mulinde said. At last report, his face, neck and arms bore deep black scars from the acid and his lips were swollen. The wounds are so severe that he may need plastic surgery. Police have reportedly arrested one suspect.

    Mulinde is married and has six children. He has faced several injuries and attacks from Muslims since his conversion to Christianity in 1993.

    Pray the Lord will heal Mulinde's physical and emotional wounds. Pray that he will receive all the treatment he needs. Pray he will remain steadfast in the faith (1 Peter 5:8-10). Pray that the perpetrators will repent and turn to Christ. Pray for those in authority who are dealing with this case.