

  • Advocate in America Faces Death Threats


    Bob Fu - Photo: ChinaAid
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Bob Fu (Fu Xiqiu), the founder and president of ChinaAid, is a ministry partner with The Voice of the Martyrs. In addition to providing support for Christians in China, the organization he established in 2002 highlights human rights abuses in the country.

  • Update on John Cao
    John Cao - Photo: Ben Cao
    John Cao
    Photo: Ben Cao

    In a recent letter from prison, Pastor John Cao was able to report that he is in good health and his blood pressure is now normal. While missing family and friends around the world, he asked his mother to pass along greetings, stating that he has not stopped interceding for the health, peace and faith of others.

  • Summer Camp Raided


    Raid of house church - Photo: ChinaAid www.chinaaid.org
    Raid of Gushi house church summer camp.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    A church-run summer camp was raided on August 23rd, resulting in the confiscation of personal and church property, as well as the temporary detention of the pastor and his wife. The police and religious bureau officials claim that the church in Gushi was organizing religious events without authorization. According to one church leader, Wang Guangming, the students were learning music theory when the raid occurred.

  • Close Monitoring of Pastor's Wife and Son
    Pastor Wang Yi with his family - Photo: ChinaAid www.chinaaid.org
    Pastor Wang Yi with his family
    Photo: ChinaAid

    Pastor Wang Yi of the Early Rain Covenant Church is presently serving a nine-year prison sentence. He was arrested, along with his wife, in December 2018. While Pastor Wang's wife, Jiang Rong, was released on bail, the authorities have barred her from interacting with family, friends, and church members. She is being constantly monitored by security agents and essentially has no freedom of movement.

  • Video Visit for John Cao
    John Cao - Photo: Ben Cao
    John Cao
    Photo: Ben Cao

    In March 2017, Cao San-Qiang (John Cao) was detained and accused of "organizing illegal border crossings" between Myanmar and China. Pastor Cao, who is married to an American citizen, has been a long-time resident of North Carolina. Well known for his humanitarian work among the poor in Myanmar's Wa State, he has built 16 schools that serve 2,000 impoverished children.

  • Churches Converted to Cultural Centres
    Church in China - Photo: Open Doors www.opendoorsusa.org/
    Continue to pray that Christians in China will be faithful despite authorities’ efforts to close churches.
    Photo: Open Doors

    As China continues its crackdown on churches, some state-approved Three-Self Churches have been "voluntarily" converted into cultural centres. In Jiangsu province, the Flowing Stream Church was disbanded in 2019, accused of "occupying the village's cultural base." It has now been turned into the "Yangzai Township Flowing Stream Village Cultural Service Centre" where the socialist principles of President Xi are promoted, in the governing officials' attempt to spread "positive energy" to the community.

  • Hundreds of Crosses Removed


    Officials and the cross that is about to be destroyed - Photo: ChinaAid www.chinaaid.org
    Officials gather to demolish crosses.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    In the early morning of July 7th, more than 100 security personnel arrived at the Aodi Christian Church and Yinchang Christian Church in Wenzhou. They came with cranes and removed the crosses from atop the church buildings. Door locks were also broken, and some church property was destroyed. When church members tried to intervene, they were physically assaulted, resulting in several injuries. The elderly among them were not exempt from mistreatment, for a senior man in his 80s was disrespectfully pushed to the ground.

  • Wife of Imprisoned Elder Begs for Prayer
    Qin Defu, wife, two children - Photo: Facebook / Pray for Early Rain Covenant Church
    Elder Qin Defu with his wife and children.
    Photo: Facebook / Pray for
    Early Rain Covenant Church

    In December 2018, raids on the Early Rain Covenant Church resulted in the detention of more than 100 Christians. All have since been released except for Pastor Wang Yi, who is serving a nine-year sentence, and elder Qin Defu, who was sentenced to four years in prison for "illegal business operations." For previous written reports on Qin's case and the difficulties faced by other members of Early Rain Covenant Church, go to this page.

  • Church Raided Again
    Xingguang Church member's property being destroyed - Photo: ChinaAid www.chinaaid.org
    Officials destroying Christians' property.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    On May 3rd, security officers burst into a home where members of the Xingguang Church in Xiamen were meeting. Worshippers were dragged from the building (see the full report of this initial raid). In a second series of attacks, several homes where church members gathered for meetings were raided on June 11th. More than 100 officials from various governmental departments were involved in these attacks.

  • Pastor Arrested During Online Meeting
    Pastor Luo's arrest - Photo: Facebook / Chinese Christian Fellowship of Righteousness
    Photo: Facebook / Chinese Christian
    Fellowship of Righteousness

    Pastor Luo was taking part in a "Proclaim Jesus Gospel Gathering" via Zoom when police took him away for questioning. At around noon on May 23rd, police entered the Nanjing Road Church in Wuhan and began searching the building. After finding Pastor Luo, they took him for interrogation which lasted more than four hours.