

  • Extremists Attack Satellite Church in Bangalore

    It has just been brought to our attention by VOM partners in India that Hindu extremists recently attacked a satellite church that was working among the extremely poor in Bangalore. The perpetrators entered the church while the service was taking place. Thankfully, most of those who participated in the service had safely escaped, with the exception of two church workers who were badly beaten.

    To date, the police have not registered a complaint due to their concern over political ramifications. However, they have assured the pastor that strong policing tactics will be used so the extremists won't attack the church again. (Note other reports on India that are included in the India Country Report.)

    Please keep this Bangalore pastor and congregation in prayer, including the two men who were injured in the attack. May the landlord who rents the premises to the church not withdraw permission for it to carry on. Last, but not least, please intercede for the perpetrators and others in the community who desperately need God's mercy, forgiveness and eternal salvation.

  • Tribal Christians Brutally Beaten

    Pray that the perpetrators will come to know the Lord.

    As a result of two recent attacks by Hindu extremists, more than 100 Christian villagers have been forced to flee from Tamsai (in Thane District of Maharashtra State) for "rejecting their tribal identity." Apparently, the Hindu nationalists involved in the attacks were angered that these converts to Christianity no longer practised their traditional tribal religions. Equally alarming is the fact that about 20 police officers failed to intervene, but rather passively stood by, prompting concern of anti-Christian bias being represented by the police force.

    The first brutal assault took place on December 30th when the believers did not participate in a festival celebrating a tribal deity. Many of these victims fled from their homes after being beaten with wooden clubs. More recently, a large mob of extremists physically assaulted a group of Christians who met to worship in a private home. Prior to these attacks, local Christians were receiving unfair treatment from their neighbours by being denied access to water, firewood and their monthly supply of grains at the local ration shop. To learn more about the challenges experienced by fellow believers in India, check the India Country Report.

    Pray that God's perfect love will drive out all fear from the hearts of these suffering tribal Christians. Ask Him to bring healing and comfort to them, especially after experiencing brutal attacks of persecution. May those in authority uphold and properly defend the religious rights of all citizens in this area, serving as a catalyst of peace between the different faith groups.

  • Update: Court Sentences Perpetrators of Violent Attacks in Odisha (Orissa)

    Damages from the 2008 violence

    On November 27th, a total of 12 people were sentenced to six years' imprisonment for their involvement in the horrific communal violence committed against Christians in the Kandhamal district on August 25th of 2008. These violent acts included arson, rioting and the torching of houses in Jarkinaju village, attributing to about a hundred deaths and the displacement of more than 50,000 people. It is considered the worst single outbreak of anti-Christian violence in the history of post-independence India. For more on the status of Christians in this country, go to the India Country Report.

    While it seems that justice is being meted out, the overwhelming majority of cases relating to the 2008 events have either been dismissed or resulted in acquittals, including many murder cases. Human rights defenders in the area are continuing in their vigil, pointing out significant flaws in the court's rulings. David Griffiths, South Asia Team Leader for CSW, concludes that this is important as the victims not only deserve justice, but also because "the rule of law is the essential foundation for peace."

    On behalf of the many surviving victims of these terrible atrocities, may the "Prince of Peace" continue to bring healing, restoration and the hope of a brighter future; a future filled with His ongoing presence and provision as they rebuild their lives. And in accordance to Scripture, we must pray for their persecutors who are also greatly in need God's touch upon their lives. May they, too, be drawn to the "Light of Jesus" and, as a result, come to repentance...acknowledging their need of Jesus as Saviour before it's too late.

  • Christians facing opposition in Karnataka

    In Karnataka state, a mob of about 20 Hindu extremists beat a pastor to unconsciousness. While he was hospitalized with resulting head and neck injuries, as well as broken ribs, the assailants returned the next morning to further harm him. The relentless attacks left Pastor Samuel Kim in serious condition. Guards are now posted outside of his hospital room so he can safely recover.

    Meanwhile, a Christian-run child-development centre in the state that was accused of forcefully converting Hindu children to Christianity has resumed operations. A local politician levelled the accusations, but the centre re-opened in late October after the Hindu parents of the children who attend the centre met with the accusers and denied allegations.

    Please pray that the escalation of attacks will cease and that the unreached people will have opportunities to hear the Good News and receive God's salvation. Also pray that those hurt in these attacks will experience complete healing.

    Go to the India Country Report to learn more about our persecuted brothers and sisters in this part of the world.

  • Attackers target prayer meeting

    A group of Christians in Maharashtra state were recently beaten up and accused of forcibly converting people. Hindu fundamentalists attacked a prayer meeting and a number of Christians, including women and children, were beaten. One man was hospitalized.

    Hindu leaders persuaded the Christians not to lodge a complaint -- for the sake of community peace -- but later accused the church's pastor, Ruzi D'souza, and other church leaders of being involved in forcible conversions -- a common accusation against the Church in India. On the basis of these claims, local police subsequently arrested 11 Christians.

    The Hindu activists reportedly returned to the pastor's home during the night and attacked those present, causing further injuries.

    Pray that the Lord will heal the injured. Ask God to take away any fear the believers may be feeling and instead give them a spirit of faithfulness and unity in Christ Jesus. Pray that the accusers will see that the message of the gospel is a free gift, not by coercion, and respond in faith to Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9).

    Go to the India Country Report to learn more about our persecuted brothers and sisters in India.

  • Christians attacked and arrested during baptisms

    Pray that the perpetrators will come to know the Lord.

    About 20 Christians celebrating a baptism were attacked and beaten by Hindu militants before being arrested by local police. The Christians, including 10 believers who were being baptized, were accosted by members of Hindu nationalist groups in the district of Balasore, Odisha (formerly called Orissa) state. The militants burst into the ceremony, beating and insulting the minister, Jayaram Marandi, as well as those gathered. Police then forced the 20 Christians onto a truck to detain them for interrogation.

    The Orissa Freedom of Religion Act includes anti-conversion laws that prohibit conversions that occur "through force, coercion or fraud." Since these laws allow the government to conduct investigations into conversions, they are often abused to excuse the persecution of Christians.

    Please pray that the believers, including those who were just baptized, will find strength in their identity as God's beloved children (Romans 8:15). Please pray that those who persecute Christians will be brought to justice and that they will receive God's forgiveness and hope.

    To learn more about the suffering Church in India, please visit the India Country Report.

  • Restrictions on religious freedom struck down

    Himachal Pradesh High Court in India
    Photo: India_2012 / Flickr

    The Himachal Pradesh High Court in India has struck down a law which made it compulsory for those seeking to convert from his or her religion to give a 30-day notice to the District Magistrate before conversion. The verdict in the landmark anti-conversion case challenged both the Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act of 2006 and Himachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Rules of 2007.

    The Court also struck down rules making it mandatory for the state to inquire into every religious conversion. These rules did not provide sufficient safeguards outlining the time frame for such an inquiry or even who should conduct the inquiry. Unfortunately, many other provisions restricting religious freedom will stand.

    Praise the Lord for the Evangelical Fellowship of India and the legal team who fought for these freedoms. Please pray that India will continue to recognize and respect the religious freedom of citizens to worship, gather together, and evangelize. Pray that, in the meantime, Christians in India will be bold in their faith despite threat of persecution.

    To learn more about the suffering Church in India, please visit the India Country Report.

  • Update: Four years after violent attacks, Christians still suffer

    Tens of thousands of Christians were forced to flee their
    homes following the 2008 attacks. Many remain displaced.

    About 10,000 Christians remain homeless four years after Hindu militants destroyed over 5,000 homes while plundering and setting hundreds of villages ablaze in Orissa State (now called Odisha State), India. Violence broke out in 2008 in Orissa following the assassination of the leader of a Hindu ultranationalist group. Although a Marxist group claimed responsibility, Hindu militants blamed Christians and launched widespread attacks (for more information, click here). During the violence, tens of thousands of Christians fled their homes, dozens were killed, and hundreds were injured.

    Today, many families that were affected by the violence continue to live in ghettos, and Christians who refuse to convert to Hinduism are often victims of social, economic and political discrimination. According to a fact-finding visit by a group of journalists, activists and writers, there has been no justice for victims and compensation for lost homes and churches has been inadequate or non-existent.

    Please remember these suffering brothers and sisters in your prayers. Praise God for their perseverance, and ask Him to continue to provide them with His strength and grace for each day. Please pray that their homes and communities will be restored. Pray that their passion for Christ will be the light that draws others to Jesus (Matthew 5:14-16).

    To learn more about the suffering Church in India, please visit the India Country Report.

  • Christians tormented with music, then attacked

    For months, a group of Hindu extremists in southern India had been blasting high-volume movie music at the prayer meetings of a local Christian ministry. In early July, the harassment crossed the line to assault when the Hindus burst into the prayer meeting of EndTime Ministries, knocked three worshippers unconscious and ripped the clothes off a widow, ministry officials say. The assault occurred in the village of Romagonadanahalli in central Karnataka, a fast-growing, comparatively wealthy state in southwest India.

    The Christians lodged a police complaint against the Hindu extremists, who filed a counter complaint against EndTime pastor, identified by the single name Mounesh. Both sides appeared in court on July 27, where the magistrate told Pastor Mounesh he should not conduct worship services in homes. EndTime Ministries has no building of its own; meetings and worship services typically are held in the pastor's house. EndTime Ministries has stopped all Christian activities in the area. Mounesh has moved services to another area for safety reasons.

    Pray the Lord will give grace and strength to all believers affected in the attack. Pray the Lord will give wisdom to Pastor Mounesh to know how best to serve Him and the congregation. Pray for the perpetrators as well as those in authority in the region.

    To learn more about the suffering Church in India, please visit the India Country Report.

  • Trio of anti-Christian attacks

    Christians and church buildings throughout
    India have been attacked recently.

    Christians were attacked in three different states in India on July 15.

    In the village of Sainagara in Karnataka, Pastor Nathaniel Shubas of Immanuel Pentecostal Prayer Hall was beaten by more than 20 Hindu activists. The attackers beat and insulted him, dragging him for more than one kilometre to the Vidyanagara police station where they accused him forcing Hindus to convert to Christianity. The officers arrested the pastor and charged him with "deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or religious beliefs."

    In the second attack in the tribal village of Thavalpada in Maharashtra, about 50 Christians who were singing devotional songs were attacked by approximately 10 Hindus led by the local leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party, the Hindu ultra-nationalist party. Unlike in Karnataka, the police arrested the attackers.

    In the third attack in Dabar Patli village in Haryana, Hindus demolished a church building under construction, arguing that most of the villagers were opposed to the building.

    Please pray for a quick and complete healing for Pastor Nathanial. Pray that those who falsely accuse believers of forcible conversion will see that salvation is a free gift, not coercion, and respond in faith to Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9). Please pray that the church in Dabar Patli will be rebuilt and that its members will lead many to Christ. Pray that Christians in India will be representatives of Christ's love and grace to their persecutors.

    For more on persecution in India, go to the India Country Report.