

  • Christian leader attacked by militants

    Pastor Ramesh Devda
    (Photo: Compass Direct)

    Hindu militants recently beat Ramesh Devda, 30, a pastor and evangelist, in Madhya Pradesh state, India. On April 4, Pastor Ramesh was travelling by motorbike with his two sons from Chikklia to Raseda when three militants on motorbikes suddenly blocked his way. The militants, drunk and armed with large bamboo sticks and clubs, beat the pastor in front of 10-year-old Elias and 8-year-old Shimon. They threatened to kill Pastor Ramesh and warned him not to come to the area again. They delivered brutal blows all over his body, including his head. The terrified cries of the young boys alerted people passing by to the situation. When others arrived on scene, the attackers fled. At last report, Pastor Ramesh was in the hospital receiving care for severe injuries, including a fractured skull. He was thankful that his sons were spared from beating, though his older son sustained a leg injury during the attack.

    Pastor Ramesh, who serves with the Christian Reformed Fellowship of India in three villages, suspects his attackers were Hindu militants angered by his Sunday worship services. Although he believes the attack was pre-planned, he does not want to report it to the police, as he fears retaliation.

    Ask God to heal Pastor Ramesh. Pray a spirit of trust in the Lord will guard his heart and mind against fear. Pray for guidance and safety for his wife and children, who are also active in Christian ministry. Pray Christians in India will look to the God of truth as their righteous refuge and tower of strength (Psalm 31:1-5).

    You can learn more about Christians in India serving as cross-bearing disciples at theIndia Country Report.

  • Christians beaten and arrested

    Two Christian meetings were attacked by Hindu militants in India in recent weeks. On April 9, a mob of more than 100 attacked an open-air Christian worship meeting in Bhajanpura, East Delhi. The Christians had received permission from government officials to conduct the meeting, and five police officers were present. Shortly after the meeting began, militants armed with clubs and stones arrived on scene. They beat several Christians, including the pastor. The five policemen were also severely beaten. Two believers sustained head injuries. The militants destroyed furniture, a sound system, a generator and a Christian's vehicle. The attack lasted for about an hour before police reinforcements arrived and the attackers fled. At last report, two of the assailants had been arrested.

    On April 10, a pastor and other members of the New India Church in Mysore, Karnataka were attacked. Pastor Vinod Chacko was leading a prayer service when approximately 25 militants arrived on scene, accusing the believers of forcible conversion. They detained the worshippers inside the church building. The believers were asked to provide personal information and questioned about being lured to attend the service by the offer of money or other means. Police later charged Pastor Vinod, his wife, Asha, and three other Christians with "deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings."

    Pray for healing for those injured in these attacks. Pray authorities will act justly and with integrity in reaction to these incidents. Pray Christians in India will continue to give themselves fully to the work of the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:50-58). Pray for an end to violence against followers of Christ in India.

    To learn more about the ongoing opposition of believers in India, go to theIndia Country Report.

  • 18 Christians arrested

    Photo from GCIC

    Eighteen Christians, including two pastors, were arrested on March 28 for converting to Christianity without official permit in Orissa's Mayurbhanj district. The arrests came after a police complaint was filed against the two pastors and 16 newly converted Christians. The Christians were brought before the SDJM Court at Baripada and were released on bail on March 30 and 31, charged under the "Orissa Freedom of Religion Act," which bans any conversion lacking a permit issued by authorities. Sajan K. George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians, called on Orissa Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik to withdraw the accusations and put a stop to anti-Christian violence in the state.

    Pray all charges will be dropped and that freedom of religion will truly be experienced by the people of Orissa. Ask the Lord to minister to the new converts and deepen their faith to help them overcome this opposition. Pray the Lord will continue to build His Church. Pray for all those who would oppose Him in India.

    For more information about the persecuted Church in India, go to theIndia Country Report.

  • Police ransack church and arrest pastors

    Two pastors were recently arrested for conducting a worship service in a home in Tumkur, Karnataka state, India. On March 6, Pastor Mathew and Pastor Jose were holding a worship service in a house church when a police officer disrupted the meeting. The officer asked the pastors to stop the service, and then ransacked the building and confiscated Bibles and other Christian literature. Both men were arrested and taken to the local police station. They were told that a leader of a local Hindu militant group lodged a complaint against them for engaging in "forceful conversion activity." That evening, the pastors stood before the magistrate, who freed them on temporary bail.

    Thank the Lord that these pastors were released on bail. Pray all charges against them will be dropped. Ask the Lord to continue to strengthen His Church in India so believers will continue to lovingly and boldly proclaim the gospel despite opposition (Ephesians 6:18-20).

    Find out more about the suffering of Christians in India at theIndia Country Report.

  • Spate of attacks on Christians erupts in Orissa

    Hindu extremists have attacked Koya tribal Christians in villages in a remote area of Orissa state at least 15 times since December 8, 2010. In the latest incident on February 23 in Murliguda, about 60 assailants from the Hindu extremist group RSS damaged Bhadan Hontal's eardrums and beat Markari Soma until he fell unconscious. Christian women and children were among those injured in the attacks on churches. The attacks began on December 8 in Katanpali village when about 35 Hindu extremists stormed the house of Pastor Mark Markani and beat him. Christians have suffered midnight raids on prayer meetings in which they have been beaten, resulting in some Christians fleeing their homes and going into hiding. At least four families have left their village and not returned due to militants' warnings.

    Pray the Lord will heal those who have been injured. Pray He will give them the grace to forgive and the courage to continue to be faithful. Pray against further attacks. Pray also for the perpetrators.

    Find out more about the trials facing Christians in India at theIndia Country Report.

  • Pastor viciously assaulted

    Pastor Hari Shankar Ninama
    Photo from Compass Direct

    A 65-year-old pastor was recently the victim of a brutal assault by Hindu militants in Rajasthan state, India. On February 1, Pastor Hari Shankar Ninama was visiting his daughter in Ambarunda when her neighbor requested he pray for his 8-year-old son, who was ill. While Pastor Hari was praying, at least 10 Hindu militants stormed into the home. The militants beat the pastor, used abusive language against him and accused him of forcibly converting people. They also slapped his daughter and beat the sick boy's father. The militants forced the pastor onto a motorbike and drove to a location outside the village. There, they stripped off the pastor's clothes and beat him with wooden clubs. They threatened to kill him if he continued to spread Christianity. After stealing his watch, cell phone and a small amount of money, they fled, leaving him naked on the road. He walked five miles to the police station, where he filed a report. He was hospitalized and released on February 11, emotionally traumatized and still suffering bodily pain.

    When the militants reportedly threatened to burn down the home of the pastor's daughter if police prosecute, the family dropped the investigation. The attack has caused fear among Christians in the village, and Pastor Hari's church has not held services since he was attacked. Pastor Hari, however, has said that even in his feeble state, he is determined to evangelize and pray for people wherever and whenever called.

    Pray Pastor Hari will find strength in the tenderness and lasting care of his Heavenly Father as he recovers. Praise the Lord for his steadfast faith and commitment to sharing Christ, even amid great opposition. Pray God's protection on him and his family. Pray a spirit of power, love and trust, not fear, will govern Christians in this area and throughout India (2 Timothy 1:7).

    You can learn more about the trials facing followers of Christ in India at theIndia Country Report.

  • Cover-up suspected in death of pastor

    A pastor whose house was targeted by Hindu militants during anti-Christian mob violence in 2008 (read the story) was recently found dead in Kandhamal, Orissa state, India. Originally, police officials claimed Pastor Saul Pradhan, 45, froze to death, but his relatives suspected murder. Officials have since detained Marda Pradhan and Baiju Mallick, members of a radical Hindu group.

    On the evening of January 10, two Hindu men came to Pastor Pradhan's house and asked him to come with them. When he failed to return the next day, his wife and a few villagers went to the house of one of the Hindu men. The man took them into the jungle but ran away after 30 minutes. Pradhan's wife and the other villagers found Pastor Pradhan's body lying near a pond. His pants were torn, his mouth was bloody, and his arms and legs looked twisted.

    Despite the battered state of Pradhan's body, police claimed they had little reason to suspect foul play. The officials also claimed that there were no injury marks on Pastor Pradhan's body. They have refused to file a report of suspected murder and accused the pastor's family members of "spreading rumours about murder in hopes of receiving compensation from the government" for the August 2008 attacks in the region. At last report, an autopsy was performed, but its results have not been made public.

    Thank the Lord for the life and faith of Pastor Pradhan. Ask God to fill his loved ones with a peace that surpasses understanding in the midst of their grief (Philippians 4:7). Pray the truth will come out in this situation and that true justice will reign. Pray those responsible for these heinous killings will be brought to justice and that they will come to faith in Christ.

    To find out more about the suffering of Christians in India, visit theIndia Country Report.

  • Christmas celebrations held in Orissa; Christian's vehicle torched

    Brother Suranjan Naik with his vehicle
    Photo from GCIC

    Several Christians were able to celebrate Christmas in Orissa state, India, this past weekend. In Bodimunda village, Christians reportedly celebrated Christmas together for the first time in three years. In Barakahma village, police kept watch as approximately 2,000 prayed together. The peaceful celebrations came as a relief for many, as there had been fear that the holidays could lead to a flare-up in anti-Christian violence, especially as the state has been the site of intense attacks in recent years (click here to learn more). Fear of attacks prevented Christians in remote villages from holding Christmas celebrations.

    Christmas weekend was not entirely without incident in Orissa, as a believer's vehicle was set on fire in Phulbani on December 25. Bro Suranjan Naik and his wife, a nurse, were staying on campus at the government hospital. They were away attending a Christian celebration when their vehicle was set ablaze.

    Thank the Lord that many brothers and sisters in Orissa were able to gather and joyously celebrate the birth of their Saviour, Jesus Christ. Pray a spirit of trust in the Lord, not fear, will govern the hearts and minds of believers in India. Pray those seeking to harm Christians in India because of their faith will repent of their ways and come to know Christ as Lord.

    To find out more about the trials of Christians in India, go to theIndia Country Report.

  • Hindu militants beat Christians in Karnataka

    Suspected Hindu militants recently beat five Christians, including a pregnant woman, in Karnataka state, India. Approximately 40 local Hindus barged into New Public School in the district of Kolar, where Christians were gathered together for prayer. They then attacked five pastors, severely beating them. The assailants also struck Kejiya Fernandes, the wife of one of the pastors, in the stomach. Police eventually arrived on scene but, when the violence ceased, they took the Christian victims into custody instead of arresting the assailants. The believers were detained for more than seven hours, during which time they were denied medical treatment. They were released only after Kejiya, four-months pregnant, began to bleed profusely. She and her husband later received medical treatment. As a result of her injuries, Kejiya lost the baby she had been carrying.

    Pray that God will comfort Kejiya, upholding her with His love and hope. Pray that her husband and the other victims of this attack will continue to trust in the Good Shepherd to guide and encourage them (Psalm 23). Pray that believers in Karnataka will remain confident in their faith and that their passion for Jesus will be a light that helps lead others to come to know Him.

    To learn more about how Christ's followers are suffering in India, go to theIndia Country Report.

  • Church building destroyed

    Before and after destruction
    Photos from Gospel for Asia
    Believers in an Indian village were working hard to construct a church building, only to have their hopes -- and their building -- dashed by anti-Christian militants. Pastor Paul Joseph and his congregation had completed much of the building when anti-Christian militants arrived September 14. That afternoon, the intruders demolished half the building. Pastor Paul and other church leaders approached the police, but they refused to help. On the following day, the militants pressured those living in the area to sign a petition against the church construction. Ignoring the believers' pleas to stop the destruction, they insisted, "We don't want any church in this area." They then reduced the rest of the building to a heap of rubble. Although the congregation had received government permission to build the church building, the militants accused the church members of not having the proper permission to build. (Source: Gospel for Asia)

    Please pray for Pastor Paul and his congregation, that the Lord will help them to overcome this disappointment. Pray they will continue to meet together and that their witness will be a light to the community. Pray for the Lord's protection and provision.

    For more information on the persecuted Church in India, go to theIndia Country Report.