Sisters' Stories


  • Five Years of Captivity for Leah Sharibu
    Leah with a head covering, sitting on the ground

    In February 2018, Boko Haram militants raided a girls' school in Dapchi, Yobe State, kidnapping 110 students. A month later, it was reported that five of the schoolgirls had died in captivity and all but one of the surviving students were released. The remaining victim, Leah Sharibu, continued to be held captive because she refused to renounce her Christian faith and convert to Islam (see this report). Since that time, various reports have surfaced indicating that Leah is still alive. A report in May 2021 stated that she was forced into marriage and had just given birth to a second child (read more).

  • Teenager Forcibly Married to 60-Year-Old Man
    Sitara Arif
    Sitara Arif
    Photo: Morning Star News

    Sitara Arif, a 15-year-old Christian girl, was kidnapped on December 15th in Faisalabad, Pakistan. Abducted by the husband of her employer, she was forcibly converted to Islam and then married to her captor. It took almost two months for police to finally register a case against Rana Tayyab, despite repeated pleas from the girl's family.

  • Official Threatens Christian with Blasphemy Charges
    Karachi airport
    Jinnah International Airport
    Photo: Wikipedia / A. Savin (cc)

    A Christian security guard at the Jinnah International Airport in Karachi, Pakistan, was recently threatened with blasphemy charges because she insisted on following regulations. Thankfully, the incident was captured on video footage, documenting the entire exchange.

  • Sentence Upheld for House Church Pastor
    Hao Zhiwei and her husband.
    Pastor Hao Zhiwei and her late husband.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    In July 2019, Pastor Hao Zhiwei from the Egangqiao Church was arrested for allegedly swindling money. The charges came about because the Christian leader collected financial offerings to support the unregistered house church she was overseeing. Since the church is not part of the country's Three-Self Patriotic Movement, authorities of the Communist government deemed it illegal. (See this page to review a previous report.)

  • Christian Woman Severely Beaten
    Green fields with hills in the background.
    A rural area in Hidalgo, Mexico.
    Photo: Flickr / David Cabrera (cc

    Since 2015, members of the Great Commission Baptist Church in the community of Rancho Nuevo, Hidalgo State, have been prohibited from accessing their land to cultivate crops. On December 21st, Maria Concepcion Hernández-Hernández was physically assaulted for merely viewing her plot of land after being asked by a neighbour to remove two trees from the property. When local leaders were informed that the Christian woman had gone to her land, she was ambushed and brutally beaten.

  • Young Domestic Worker Sexually Assaulted
    The silhouette of a young woman standing at a window.

    A Christian girl in Pakistan who worked as a domestic servant is still awaiting justice three months after she was raped at her employer's home. Even though the incident was reported to police, no action has been taken to arrest those responsible.

  • Abducted Pastor and His Wife Released!
    Ponomarevs with two unnamed men.
    Pastor Leonid Ponomarev and his wife Tatyana (centre).
    Photo: VOM Korea

    The previous month, a report from the Persecution & Prayer Alert addressed concerns over the ongoing harassment experienced by churches in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine. It was reported that the leader of the Kurchatov Church in Mariupol, together with his wife, had been abducted by Russian soldiers. At that time, their location was unknown. (For more information, see this page.)

  • Escaped Child Bride Seeks Annulment
    Anita Emmanuel
    Photo: CLAAS UK

    Anita Emmanuel was 16 years old when she was kidnapped by her rickshaw driver over a year ago in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Since both of her parents worked, arrangements had been made for Muhammad Wasim to drop the Christian teenager off at school each day and then bring her home after classes. Everything was fine until Muhammad began to become more friendly and, unfortunately, Anita did not recognize the warning signs.

  • Two Preachers Arrested for Alleged Fraud
    Three adults and a child inside a building, using a chalkboard.
    Inside the Linfen Covenant House Church.
    Photo: ChinaAid

    On August 19th, 70 members of the Linfen Covenant House Church were enjoying an outdoor family camp when more than 100 police officers suddenly appeared, taking everyone into custody, before they were eventually released. Preacher Li Jie and Preacher Han Xiaodong were detained on suspicion of fraud a few days later. Formal notice of the charges was presented to their wives on September 23rd. Li Jie's wife, Li Shanshan, had also been arrested but was released on bail September 6th and reunited with their two children.

  • Christian Women Released on Bail
    Women holding signs demanding freedom for Christian Dalits

    On August 18th, VOMC posted a Persecution & Prayer Alert containing a report about six Christian women in Uttar Pradesh, India, who were arrested for allegedly participating in forcible conversion activities. The allegations and resulting detainment took place after these women had gathered for a birthday party, where they prayed before they cut the cake. (See this page for more details.)