

  • Ten men charged with raping nun

    Indian police charged ten men on January 29 for the rape of a Catholic nun that occurred during anti-Christian violence that erupted in Orissa in August (read the story). On August 25, a mob of Hindu militants attacked the prayer hall in the village of K. Nuagaon, Kandhamal district where Sister Meena (29) worked. She was grabbed by several men who tore off her clothes and held her down while one man raped her. Sister Meena was then paraded naked through the streets along with a priest. Although police were present, they did nothing to stop the assault. The ten have been charged with gang rape since assisting rape carries the same charge as actually committing the crime according to Indian law. At last report, the rapist had not yet been found.

    Pray that authorities will bring to justice all who were involved in the attack. Pray that Sister Meena will look to God for strength as she recovers. Pray for a lasting peace in Orissa state.

    Find out more about how Indian Christians suffer for Jesus' sake.

  • Pastor beaten in Andhra Pradesh

    On January 16, Pastor Yakobu (37) was attacked by Hindu militants at his home in Gumpula village, Andhra Pradesh, India. At approximately midnight, Pastor Yakobu was home alone when he heard a knock on his door. When he answered, six men burst in, beat him, cut him with a knife and shaved his head. They also set fire to his clothes and books and shouted that they didn't want any pastors in the village. The next morning, Pastor Yakobu and several local pastors went to the police station and filed a complaint against the attackers.

    Pray for healing for Pastor Yakobu. Pray that he, his wife and their children will rely on God's guidance and care. Pray for an outpouring of the Lord's Spirit in India to embolden and strengthen Christians facing trials for their faith.

    For more on the persecution of Christians in India, go to theIndia Country Report.

  • Update: Relief camps closed down in Orissa

    Government authorities have shut down relief camps in Orissa, India, forcing the thousands of Christians displaced by the wave of violence that began in August (click here for more details) to flee without adequate protection against further attacks or compensation for damages sustained. Many of the believers were threatened with violence while in the camps and fear further attacks if they return to their homes, many of which have not been rebuilt. Officials are providing some of the refugees with 10,000 rupees (approximately $200 CAD). However, the sum is inadequate to meet the believers' long-term needs and it is unlikely that many will be able to secure employment, as local Hindus often refuse to hire Christians.

    For more information on the persecution of Christians in India,click here.

  • Christians targeted in Karnataka

    The Karnataka High Court has reopened approximately 12 churches that were closed down by the Deputy Commissioner of Davangere district, Karnataka, India in early September due to claims that forcible conversions were taking place. However, VOMC continues to receive reports of Christians facing threats and violent attacks from Hindu militants in the state.

    At approximately 7:30 p.m. on January 9, police officials disrupted a weekly prayer meeting held in the home of Pastor Iswar Albannavar (30) and his wife, Renuka Iswar Albannavar (26), in Gangavadi, Belgaum district and accused the couple of forcible conversion. The police confiscated Bibles and hymnals and took several believers to the police station. Although the Christians stated that they were not coerced into attending the meeting, Pastor Albannavar and another believer were charged with "promoting enmity between different groups on grounds of religion... and doing acts prejudicial to maintenance of harmony." At last report, the two Christians remained in detention.

    Praise God that the churches in Davangere district have been reopened. Ask God to enable Pastor Albannavar and other Christian leaders in India to be faithful examples to their flocks throughout times of suffering (1 Peter 5:2-3).

    For more information on our persecuted brothers and sisters in India, visit theIndia Country Report.

  • Four Christians arrested in Madhya Pradesh

    Police arrested four Christians on false charges of forcible conversion in the village of Kushalpura, Madhya Pradesh, India on January 5. At approximately 10:00 a.m., Pastor Kantilal Bhuria (35) went to the home of a local Christian where 25 believers were gathered for prayer. During the service, a mob of Hindu militants barged into the house and accused Pastor Bhuria of forcibly converting Hindus. The militants verbally abused those present and beat a Christian woman. The police arrived on scene after receiving a phone call from the attackers and arrested four believers. At last report, these Christians remained in detention.

    Pray for the release of these Christians. Ask God to give them and other suffering believers in India grace, wisdom and endurance as they serve Him (1 Peter 5:10).

    To learn more about those suffering for Christ's sake in India, go to theIndia Country Report.

  • Church leaders attacked in Andhra Pradesh

    Photo from

    Although Christians were relieved to celebrate Christmas in relative peace and stability in Kandhamal district, Orissa, VOMC received reports of other Indian Christians who were targeted around the Christmas season. At approximately 10:30 p.m. on December 23, several pastors and prayer group leaders were attacked and severely beaten by Hindu militants while returning home from a Christmas prayer meeting near the suburb of Ramnagar in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. At the time of the report, three Hindus had been arrested for their involvement in the attack.

    Ask God to grant healing and strength for those injured. Pray that the perpetrators will turn to faith in Christ and become a demonstration of God's love and mercy to others (1 Tim 1:16).

    Learn more about how Christians suffer for Christ in India at theIndia Country Report. The feature article in the January edition of VOMC's monthly newsletter focuses on the persecution of Christians in Orissa, India. Click here to subscribe.

  • Christian found dead, believers apprehensive as Christmas approaches

    On the evening of December 9, approximately 20 Hindus stopped Yuvraj Digal (40), a respected Christian leader, and his 20-year-old son as they were heading home on motorbike from the village of Tikabali, Kandhamal district, Orissa. The Hindus accused Digal of being involved in the murder of Hindu leader Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati (click here for more) and began beating him. His son was able to escape the attackers and seek help from the police. Digal, however, disappeared and his body was found on December 18.

    The situation remains tense for Christians in Orissa even though Hindu militant groups have called off a protest that was planned for Christmas Day. The district has employed additional security measures, but many Christians remain apprehensive about possible outbreaks of violence in the coming days. District authorities in Kandhamal have asked churches not to hold midnight services. Many churches have cancelled Christmas ceremonies.

    Pray for those mourning the loss of Digal. Pray that the Lord will be exalted, even through the deaths of those who proclaim His name (Phil 1:20). Ask God to bring peace to Orissa as believers celebrate the birth of our Saviour.

    For more on the persecution Christians face in India, go to theIndia Country Profile. To watch a video report about how Christians are fearful as Christmas approaches, please see our blog.

  • Pastors beaten in Madhya Pradesh

    Approximately 20 Hindu militants attacked two pastors travelling home from a prayer meeting in Palasapara village, Meghasah Tehsil, Madhya Pradesh on December 5, according to a December 6 report from Evangelical Fellowship of India. At approximately 3:00 p.m., Pastor Pangala Bhai and Pastor Limba Bhai were beaten, verbally abused, and accused of forceful conversion. Their bikes, cell phones, and money were also stolen.

    Pray for healing for these pastors as they recover from this attack. Pray that increased persecution will result in increased boldness among India's believers (Acts 4:29-31).

    Learn more about India's suffering Christians at theIndia Country Report.

  • Hindu militants offering rewards for violence against Christians in Orissa

    According to various sources, Hindu militants in Orissa state are offering compensation in money, clothing, or basic necessities for those who succeed in killing Christians, destroying their property, or burning down churches. A reward of approximately $300 is being promised to those who kill a pastor. Women are also being recruited by the militants and being trained in secret locations to use swords and clubs to attack believers. The interior minister has called for the creation of a special police division to protect those under threat of violence.

    Ask God to thwart the attempts of those seeking to harm and intimidate Christians in Orissa. Pray that believers in India will remain steadfast in faith as they serve Christ in hostile and dangerous environments.

    To find out more about the plight of Christians in India,click here. The feature article of the January edition of The Voice of the Martyrs Newsletter focuses on the testimonies of Christians in Orissa who are suffering for Christ's sake. Read their testimonies by subscribing to our free newsletter.

  • Believers beaten in Mumbai

    Photo from NDTV

    A mob of approximately 30 Hindu militants attacked the Church of God building in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India on November 15. According to a November 17 report from Union of Catholic Asian News, the militants, angered by the conversion and baptism of five Hindus, barged into the church building at approximately 12:30 p.m. shouting anti-Christian slogans. They damaged furniture and other church property and assaulted several believers present. Pastor Fernandes (50) was stripped and beaten so severely he lost consciousness. The mob dispersed when the police arrived. Several people have since been arrested for their involvement in the attack.

    Pray for healing for Pastor Fernandes and the other injured believers. Pray that Christians in India will put their hope in the Lord as the One who upholds their cause (Psalm 146).

    Find out more about India's suffering church by visiting theIndia Country Report.